CARD 405 Career Development Full Course DeVry



CARD 405 Career Development Full Course DeVry


CARD 405 Week 1 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 1 Discussions


Why is understanding yourself important in your career development? How can you ensure that an employer will realize that you have a clear grasp of who you are and what you have to offer?


An important step of exploring the job market is knowing what you want for yourself in your career. Setting goals, drafting a mission statement, and defining success for both your personal and professional lives can help you clarify this.

So, in focusing in on this topic, finish the following sentence: “My definition of success is…”



This week, we will link the process of truly understanding yourself with that of the initial phases of finding the job of your dreams. To do this, you will need to complete the Personality Analysis and Job Consideration Report. The steps for this assignment are listed below.

Part 1: Taking the Assessments

  • Log into the My Compass to My Career site. For instructions for using this site, review the MCMC Student User Guide(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Once on the site, you should go to your profile and verify that all the information is correct.
  • Next, you will need to complete the 16 Personalities Assessment. To find this in your My Compass to My Career portal, please follow the steps listed below.
    • Click on the Explore tab.
    • Select the Realize Your Full Value tab.
    • Click on the Assessments tab.
    • Select the 16 Personalities under the Personalities section.
    • Complete the NERIS Type Explorer personality assessment.
  • Once finished, be sure to review the results and the full analysis provided to you.
  • Now you should convert your results into the Keirsey Temperament Sorter code. The process for this is explained in Exhibit 3.5 in your text.

Part 2: Consider and establish your ideal job as it relates to your program of study at DeVry University.

  • You will use this information to describe your ideal job on the Personality Analysis and Job Consideration Report Template.

Part 3: Identify and create your 1-, 2-, and 5-year career goals and associate these goals with the potential employers, job titles, and salary ranges that go with them.

  • Develop your 1-, 2-, and 5-year career goals. Consider these goals as the stepping stones of obtaining that ideal job you established above.
  • Research and list potential employers that fit within the time frame of these goals. This requires a minimum of one organization, but it could be more, depending on your current access to the field of your dreams.
  • Determine three possible job titles offered at this organization that fit within your 1-, 2-, and 5-year plans.
  • Research the current salary ranges for these job titles. This can be done at to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Part 4: Reflection

  • The final stage of any activity should always be to reflect on what you learned during the process. For this, you will need to provide a written summary of what you learned about yourself and the characteristics of your dream job as a result of the reflection and research you have done in this assignment.

Record your outcomes and observations on the Personality Analysis and Job Consideration Report Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

Assignment Components Points
 Part 1: Analyzing the Results The six required questions are addressed and a minimum of two to three sentences are used to respond. 10
Part 2: Describing the Ideal Job The student’s ideal job is listed and described (2 points for listing of job; 3 points for description). 5
Part 3: Linking Your Goals to the Job ·         The 1-, 2-, and 5-year goals are stated and listed in the SMART goal format

·         A list of potential employers are listed for each stated goal (three employers min)

·         A minimum of three possible job titles are provided per each stated yearly goal (nine titles min)

·         A salary range per each job title is provided per each stated yearly goal (nine ranges min)

Part 4: Reflection Summary A reflection summary is written and has a minimum of 100 words. 10
Format/Grammar There are no grammar or spelling errors within the assignment. 5
Total   70

CARD 405 Week 2 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 2 Discussions


During the Explore phase of your career readiness plan, you get to research the potential companies that you hope to work for one day. It is important to do this, because although a company may look good on paper, it may not always be the right fit for you. Take a moment to examine the site Glassdoor, found at Type in a few companies that you have worked for, currently work for, or hope to work for one day, and read some of the reviews. Do you agree with what you found, or do you find that this new information alters how you see this organization? Please explain.


The prospect of searching for a job can be very intimidating. What techniques have you used in the past when you were job hunting? Which ones were most effective? Least effective? What do you attribute their effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) to?



This week, you will be building upon the job considerations you developed last week. The steps for this assignment are listed below.

Part 1: The O*NET Interest Profiler Assessment

  • Log into My Compass to My Career site. The instructions for locating this site are found on the Week 1 Assignment page, if needed.
  • Once done, you should complete the steps listed below.
    • Click on the Explore tab.
    • Select the Realize Your Full Value tab.
    • Click on the Assessments tab.
    • Select the O*NET Interest Profiler under the Career Interests section.
    • Complete the O*NET Interest Profiler assessment.
  • Now that you have identified some potential job matches, it’s time to match these positions to potential employers.

Part 2: Company Research

  • In this assignment, you will investigate companies based on your O*NET results and the career goals you developed last week.
  • To fully understand how to conduct proper research, you must either attend the Live Lecture this week or listen to its recording. An Attendance Verification Code will be given to you in the Live Lecture that you must then enter on your assignment template to confirm your attendance.

Part 3: Reflection

  • The final stage of any activity should always be to reflect on what you learned during the process. For this, you will develop a plan for achieving your goals.

Access the assignment template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; be sure to proofread and spell-check your work before you submit it.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

Career Company Research Assignment Points
Part 1: The O*NET Interest Profiler Assessment The two required questions are addressed and a minimum of two to three sentences are used to respond (two questions at 5 points each). 10
Part 2: Company Research The Live Lecture Attendance Verification Code is included (8 points).

The 1-, 2-, and 5-year goals are clearly stated (three goals at 3 points each for a total of 9 points).

A list of potential employers is listed for each stated goal (three lists at 3 points each for a total of 9 points).

The company research materials are completed on the listed employers (eight sections at 4 points each for a total of 32 points).

Part 3: Reflection The reflection plan lists at least three activities to be completed on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to obtain the stated goal (three activities at three time measurements for a total of nine required activities); (nine activities at 2 points for a total of 18 points).  18
Format/Grammar There are no grammar or spelling errors within the assignment. 4
Total    90

CARD 405 Week 3 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 3 Discussions


As the Crafting Your Personal Brand Workbook highlights, developing a brand

  • helps you focus on the value you bring to employers and identifies the unique traits you bring to the workplace;
  • delivers an authentic message to hiring managers around your career goals and depicts who you are as a professional;
  • enables employers to see not only the skills you have, but also the unique personality and character traits you have to offer; and
  • helps you define how your vision for the future aligns with the long-term business objectives of the hiring organization, effectively elevating your status from commonplace commodity to one-of-a-kind package.

Take a moment to describe your professional strengths and make an argument for why they are important.


Different from a job interview, an informational interview is a conversation you arrange with someone who works in a field or company that interests you. The purpose of this type of interview is to help you explore an industry, organization, or job title. You may ask questions focused on how to break into an industry, what a career in that field or organization is really like, and whether it fits your skills and interests. Since you are not seeking a job offer, think of informational interviewing as a way to gather information and to prescreen a potential job, industry, or company.

Take a moment to review the Information Interviewing Guide, pulled from the My Compass to My Career (MCMC) portal, found here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Discuss some of the benefits of conducting an informational interview.


This week, you will be creating an elevator speech that you can use to market yourself to potential employers. A key component to any job search is the ability to develop your brand. The steps for this assignment are listed below.

Part 1: Craft Your Brand

Part 2: Record Your Elevator Speech

  • Now that you created your elevator speech, it is important to practice saying it. To help you do this, you will need to utilize the InterviewStream tool found on the My Compass to My Career site.
  • To do this, complete the following steps.
    • Log into the My Compass to My Career site. The instructions for locating this site are found on the Week 1 Assignments page, if needed.
    • Click on the three dots at the top left-hand side of the page.
    • Select the InterviewStream tab.
    • Under Practice Interview Skills, click the Click Here tab.
    • You should now be in InterviewStream. This is the user guide(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for this site.
    • When you are ready, select Conduct Interview.
    • You will want to click on the Custom Interview option.
    • Search for and select the Tell Me About Yourself question.
    • Once this question is in the Selected Question box, hit the Start My Interview button.
    • When the question is asked by the interviewer in the recording, provide the interviewer with your elevator speech.
    • You can rerecord this message as many times as you need to get it right.
    • Once you are happy with your results, copy the public link and paste it into the Comment section for review by your professor. You should also attach a copy of your completed Crafting Your Personal Brand Worksheet.

Please note that you will need to dress professionally for this recording.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

Note: Once you complete your Elevator Pitch, upload your video to the discussion are next week, where you will receive guided feedback from your peers and professor to continue to develop your elevator pitch and professional communication skills.

eProfile Assignment Points
Part 1: Crafting Your Brand Crafting Your Personal Brand Worksheet: The five required questions are addressed and a minimum of two to three sentences are used to respond (five questions at 5 points each). 25
Part 2: The Elevator Speech Eye contact was made with the camera. 13
Student was dressed professionally. 13
The message was no longer than 90 seconds. 13
Student spoke clearly and distinctly and mispronounced no words. 13
Speech had a “twinkle factor” (i.e., came off as professional and personable). 13

CARD 405 Week 4 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 4 Discussions


Although estimates vary, it is suggested that 80% or more of the job openings that exist are in thehidden job market. What is the difference between the published job market and the hidden job market? What techniques would you usually use to access the published job market? What techniques would you use to access the hidden job market?

And, if you are already a professional in your field and do not intend on seeking a different opportunity within the next 5 years, how might being aware of the hidden job market be of value to you? Additionally, many of you may be in a position to hire employees (or will be in the future). That noted, how might knowing about the hidden job market impact your strategy to recruit and hire qualified candidates?


For this discussion, let’s share feedback with one another. Include the link to the Elevator Pitch you created in Week 3. Be sure to include the link that will allow everyone to view your Elevator Pitch. Then, let’s offer one another feedback.

Share your feedback with your colleagues here by mentioning specifically the strengths of their Elevator Pitch. Was it something they said? Was it their eloquence that you found striking and clear? Was it the quality and thoroughly enriching responses they offered that made their Pitch particularly strong? Was it something about their body language? Or something else? Be thorough and clear in your feedback. Share feedback with at least 2 classmates.



This week, we will be focusing on your electronic presence during the job search. Many employers utilize social media sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and GlassDoor, as a means of obtaining new employees. This is why it is so important to present a positive image in the digital realm.

For this week’s assignment, you will be required to create a professional LinkedIn account. There are many resources available to you in the My Compass to My Career portal to help you with this process. The Build an ePortfolio and Optimize Social Media Profiles page under the Develop tab explains the importance of this assignment and things to consider when developing your online presence. There are also many LinkedIn tutorials found in the Video Tutorial section.

To begin:

  • If you do not have a LinkedIn account already, you will need to sign up for one.
  • Once you have an account, you will need to build your profile.
  • For this assignment, you must include the following items in your profile.
    • A professional photo
    • A headline message that is geared towards your target job
      • LinkedIn grants you 120 characters in which to write a tagline about yourself.
      • Refer to your branding message/elevator speech to develop this.
    • A work/volunteer and education history that is focused towards your target job
    • One group that pertains to the student’s selected target job (student must join the group)
    • One leader in a field that relates to the selected target job (student must connect with leader)
  • Once complete, you will need to submit a copy to the link of your LinkedIn profile.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

LinkedIn Profile Assignment Points


Appropriate photo is included. 17
A headline/tagline message is included in the profile. 17
The profile is complete and includes an appropriate education and work history. 17
Student is a member of a least one group that relates to his or her targeted job goal. 17
Student is connected with at least one leader in a field that relates to his or her selected target job. 17
 Format/Grammar There are no grammar or spelling errors within the assignment. 5
Total   90



CARD 405 Week 5 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 5 Discussions


This week, you will be preparing a targeted resumé, which is directed towards a specific job posting; however, your text details a few other types of resumés. Take a moment to review other types of resumés and the purposes they serve.


Your Week 2 and 3 Lessons, as well as your text, explain the process of creating a career portfolio. Last week, you developed a LinkedIn profile, which is a component of an electronic portfolio. Over the next 2 weeks, we will draft items that help build your hard-copy version. Take a moment to reflect on the work you have completed so far. Does your LinkedIn profile contain the following elements?

  • Demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and ideas.
  • Include work that illustrates your ability to confront and deal with problems.
  • Present your work in an effective manner.
  • Enable a potential employer to assess capabilities.
  • Demonstrate the positive combination of education and skills required for the types of positions that are desired.



Over the past few weeks, you have developed many tools to help you in a targeted job search. This week, you will be adding to your portfolio by creating a targeted résumé. A targeted résumé is simply a résumé that is targeted to a specific job. For this assignment, you need to locate a job ad for a position you would be interested in once you graduate. Using the ad, you will then prepare a targeted résumé.

The following resources will be very helpful for this assignment.

Part 1: The Targeted Résumé

Your targeted résumé must include the following components.

  • Personal information
    • Including name and contact information
  • An introductory section with a target job title and qualification/professional summary that reflects the student’s skills and experiences relative to the job description
  • Education history
  • A skill summary that includes both technical and transferable skills
  • Work experience that is summarized by using achievement statements, nottask lists
    • Summarize your work experience in four to five points under each position held, focusing on concrete and measurable accomplishments
  • Once complete, you should upload your résumé to the O*NET-Soc AutoCoder found at the following website: to an external site.)Links to an external site.. A guide for this site can be found at the same URL.
    • This site will verify that your résumé is a match to your chosen job ad. You will need to provide a screenshot of a score of 70% or higher, saved as either a Word or PDF file to verify that you completed this step. If you do not receive a 70% rating or higher on your first submission, please revise it until you do.
  • Submit your targeted résumé, the O*NET-Soc Auto Coder screenshot, and a copy of the job ad.

Your résumé should have appropriate headings and design elements (e.g., white space, bold, underline, italics, varying font sizes***) to improve readability. You should also make efforts to limit the résumé to one to two pages. The résumé must also be targeted to the job ad and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

***Note: Students should not attempt to use all of these elements in one document.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

Targeted Résumé Assignment Points
Part 1: The Required Elements of the Targeted Résumé Personal information is included. 11
It includes an introduction section that relates to the job posting. 11
Education history is appropriate for job posting. 11
Skill summary includes both technical and transferable skills geared towards selected job posting. 11
Work experience summaries are not task lists. 11
Formatting is well done and professional. 11
Job ad was submitted with assignment. 12
Proof of a 70% or higher rating from the O*NET Soc AutoCoder was provided. 12
Total   90




By submitting this work, I am attesting that it abides by the Student Honor Code.


CARD 405 Week 6 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 6 Discussions


Take a moment to discuss how a cover letter can fit into your overall branding message.


Most career advisors recommend following up with an employer with a thank you letter after an interview. Why do you think that is?



Last week, you created a targeted resumé tailored to a specific job ad. This week, you need to write a targeted cover letter responding to that ad. After this is complete, you will do a bit of role playing by assuming that you were given the opportunity to interview for the position and that you now need to write a post-interview thank you letter to the employer.

The following resources will be very helpful for this assignment.

Part 1: The Cover Letter

The Cover Letter must

  • be targeted to the job ad and link the student’s skills to the job requirements; and
  • convey the company’s goals and be personalized to the reader.

Part 2: The Thank You Letter

The Thank You Letter must

  • provide at least three links from the student’s personal skill set to the expectations listed in the job ad; and
  • express why the student would be the best candidate for the position.

Both letters must

  • contain appropriate content;
  • be formatted in standard business style; and
  • be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

You will also find helpful materials for these letters in your text.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is below.

Cover and Thank You Letters Assignment Points
Part 1: The Cover Letter Is targeted to the job ad and links the student’s skills to the job requirements (10 points)

Conveys the company’s goals and is personalized to the reader (10 points)

Part 2: The Thank You Letter Provides at least three links from the student’s personal skill set to the expectations listed in the job ad (10 points)

Leaves no doubt why the student would be the best candidate for the job (10 points)

Unified Elements for Both Parts Both letters are formatted in standard business style (10 points per letter)  20
Both letters have flawless grammar and spelling (5 points per letter)  10
Job ad was submitted with assignment  20
Total     90

CARD 405 Week 7 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 7 Discussions


Experts will tell you that it is important to “prepare” for an interview. What type of preparation will you do?


When interviewing for jobs, you’re interviewing the organizations as much as they are interviewing you. Is it a good fit? Do they have what you need in terms of the various types of compensations that would make the job worthwhile? Does it offer a work/life balance? A chance to advance



This week, we will return to InterviewStream; you will get to show off your interviewing skills.

For this assignment, you will need to do the following.

  • Log into the My Compass to My Career site. The instructions for locating this site are found on the Week 1 Assignments page, if needed.
  • Click on the three dots “…” at the top left-hand side of the page.
  • Select the InterviewStream tab.
  • Under Practice Interview Skills, click the Click Here tab.
  • Select Conduct Interview.
  • You will want to click on the Custom Interview option.
  • Select seven standard questions and three behavior-based questions (defined in this week’s lesson) that could be asked in relation to your selected targeted job ad from the previous week’s assignments.
  • Once these questions are in the Selected Question box, click the Start My Interview button.
  • When the questions are asked by the interviewer in the recording, address the questions.
  • You can rerecord the message as many times as you need to get it right.
  • Once you are happy with your results, copy the public link and paste it into the Comment section for review by your professor.

You will need to dress appropriately for this recording as if you were really going to a professional interview.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

Note: You will discuss and gain feedback on your InterviewStream in the Week 8 discussion.

Recorded Interview Assignment Points
Required Elements Eye contact was made with the camera. 15
Student was dressed professionally. 15
Seven standard and three behavior-based questions were selected and addressed. 15
The student spoke clearly and distinctly and mispronounced no words. 15
Interviewee came off as professional and personable. 15
Job ad was submitted with assignment. 15
Total     90

CARD 405 Week 8 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 8 Discussions


As we close up our course, let’s use this final opportunity to share feedback with one another. We have spent considerable time preparing for job searching and interviewing.

In Week 7, you recorded your interview using Interview Stream. Let’s share feedback with one another as a way to wrap up this course. Include the link to the Recorded Interview you created in Week 7. Be sure to include the link that will allow everyone to view your Interview. Then, let’s offer one another feedback.

Share your feedback with your colleagues here by mentioning specifically the strengths of their Recorded Interview. Was it something they said? Was it their eloquence that you found striking and clear? Was it the quality and thoroughly enriching responses they offered that made their Pitch particularly strong? Was it something about their body language? Or something else? Be thorough and clear in your feedback. Share feedback with at least 2 classmates to help further prepare one another for the next step you will take, professionally.


As mentioned in the previous weeks, an important step in any activity is the reflection that takes place at the end of it. This is because it allows those involved in the activity the time to analyze whether or not their efforts were successful or not. For this reason, in this final week of CARD405, you are going to be given the opportunity to reflect upon the work you have submitted this session.

For this assignment, you need to download and complete the Week 8 Self-Evaluation Template available here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric is below.

Self-Evaluation Assignment Points
Part 1: Explore Reflection The Explore section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. 10
Part 2: Develop Part 1 Reflection The Develop Part 1 section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. 15
Part 3: Develop Part 2 Reflection The Develop Part 2 section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. 15
Part 4: Launch Reflection The Launch section was fully completed. 10
Total   50


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CARD 405 Career Development Full Course DeVry

Best CARD 405 Career Development Full Course DeVry
CARD 405 Career Development Full Course DeVry

ACCT 553 DeVryBIAM 500 DeVryCIS 500 STRCIS 558 STRENG 105 GCUFIN 390 DeVryFIN 504 GCUHCA 545 GCUHCA 699 GCUHLT 306 GCUHLT 362 GCUHLT 555 GCUHLT 610 GCUHLT 665 GCUHOSP 594 DeVryHRM 600 DeVryMAT 144 GCUMGMT 600MGT 599 STRMGT 655 GCUMKT 373 GCUPSY 362 GCUPSY 565 GCUPSY 575 GCUPSY 665 GCUSOC 102 GCUSOC 320 GCUSOC 372 GCUSOC 412 GCUNSG 6440 SUHIM 515 GCUNSG 4029 SUHIM 615 GCUNSG 3029 SUNSG 4055 SUNSG 6630 SUNSG 6005 SUCRMJ 310PSY 510 GCUCRMJ 300 DevryCRMJ 425SPD 200 GCU, HLT 490 GCU ,ECH 340 GCU , ECH 440 GCU , ECH 355 GCU ,ECH 350 GCU ,LDR 461 GCU ,ECH 425 GCU ,REL 212 STR ,SCI 115 STR ,CIS 505 STR ,JUS 652 GCUMGT 640 GCUCIS 527 STRSOC 436 GCU,ACC 502 GCUFIN 504 GCU , MATH 260 DeVry ,ETHC 445 DeVry ,ECET 220 DeVry , CARD 405 DeVry




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