BIAM 530 Week 7 HOMEWORK DeVry



BIAM 530 Week 7 HOMEWORK DeVry


BIAM530 Week 4, 7 Homework Rubric

BIAM530 Week 4, 7 Homework Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts


The paper is of the required length and fully addresses topics provided. Examples and supporting details are provided for each main point. Authoritative sources are cited as support. The paper is at least 80% in the student’s own words (i.e., no more than 20% direct quotations from a source).
60.0 pts


The reference list includes at least three references. References are authoritative and represent either scholarly peer-reviewed or expert professional sources. The reference list is in APA format and is free of typographical, grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.
15.0 pts


The paper is in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and includes a cover page, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion, and references. The paper conforms to APA format, including use of standard paragraph format and headings. Tables, if included, use table numbers and titles. Figures, if included, use figure numbers and captions.
10.0 pts

Organization & Cohesiveness

The paper includes an introduction that generates interest in the topic and previews the main points to be covered, a body that develops each main point, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points covered. There is a logical flow of ideas throughout the paper. There is a clear thesis statement for the paper and a clear topic statement for each major section. Appropriate transitions are used between topics and subtopics.
15.0 pts


The paper uses a professional writing style and is free of typographical, spelling, and grammar errors.
10.0 pts
Total Points: 110.0


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