TSL 532 Full Course GCU



TSL 532 Full Course GCU

TSL 532 Full Course Discussions GCU

TSL 532 Topic 1 DQ 1

How does the “English-only” movement potentially impact second-language learners in the classroom?

TSL 532 Topic 1 DQ 2

What type of classroom models have been created as a result of “English-only” mandates? Are they beneficial to English language learners (ELLs)? Why or why not?

TSL 532 Topic 2 DQ 1

What are some socio-emotional challenges that English language learners (ELLs) face in the classroom? How do these impact learning?

TSL 532 Topic 2 DQ 2

Review Krashen’s Monitor Model and Cummin’s Theories of Bilingualism and Cognition from your required textbook reading. What are the similarities and differences between the language acquisition theories of Krashen and Cummins?

TSL 532 Topic 3 DQ 1

What are some major misconceptions about Sheltered English Immersion teaching? How does lesson planning combat these misconceptions?

TSL 532 Topic 3 DQ 2

What are the pros and cons for English as a Second Language Pull-out programs? When are these the most beneficial? How does one ensure they are beneficial?

TSL 532 Topic 4 DQ 1

How can a dual language or bilingual classroom assist in second language acquisition? (Please cite at least one source).

TSL 532 Topic 4 DQ 2

What are educational issues involving bilingual education? How can teachers assist schools in overcoming these issues?

TSL 532 Topic 5 DQ 1

What type of professional development would be beneficial to teachers at your local school? Why and who can assist in developing these professional developments?

TSL 532 Topic 5 DQ 2

What possible obstacles may prevent teachers from participating in professional development opportunities?

TSL 532 Topic 6 DQ 1

How can building positive relationships with parents of second-language learners close current achievement gaps?

TSL 532 Topic 6 DQ 2

What should be considered in the selection and use of technology for ELLs? Can building positive relationships with parents of second-language learners close current achievement gaps? Explain.

TSL 532 Full Course Assignments GCU

TSL 532 Topic 1 Legislative Impacts on ELLs

Select three major Supreme Court cases that have shaped current legislation regarding the education of English language learners (ELLs). In a 750-1,000-word essay, briefly describe these cases and how they impact your current teaching. Include 3-5 sources from your research in this essay.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


TSL 532 Topic 2 Instructional Strategies for ELLs

Create a graphic organizer or chart that can be used to present at least five instructional strategies best suited for second-language acquisition to your colleagues. Your chart should include learning strategies that teachers can utilize to assist in the English language development for those whom English is an additional language. This chart should also address the leading theories regarding second-language acquisition.

The focus should be on connecting current and ideal instructional strategies with theories of language development. What types of instructional strategies for ELLs do current theories of language acquisition support? What kind of classroom climate would be ideal for ELLs?

You may use strategies from your required readings or your research. Include a justification as to why each strategy would be applicable, citing references.

Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your findings.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


TSL 532 Topic 3 Defining SEI and ESL

Create a brochure for parents and community members that illustrates the main points of Sheltered English Immersion, Structured English Immersion, and the English as a Second Language Pull-out model. Briefly define each and explain why each of these models are utilized. What are the benefits of each model?

Include 3-5 sources from your research to support this assignment.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


TSL 532 Topic 4 Models of Instruction for ELLs

Create a PowerPoint presentation (12-15 slides) that could be used to inform school administrators about the different models of instruction for ELLs, such as ESL Pull-out, SEI, and models of bilingual instruction. This presentation will also be used to argue for the implementation of a model best suited for your particular area or district. Your presentation should include:

  • Definitions of each model with explanations when each is most appropriate.
  • Rationale for why your model of choice would be beneficial for your district.
  • An analysis of what would be needed to support this model in your district, such as considerations for staff, support staff, additional professional development, etc.

Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


TSL 532 Topic 5 Benchmark Continual Professional Growth

Choose one professional development (PD) opportunity (i.e., a conference) offered in your state or nationally that pertains to educating English language learners (ELLs).  Describe the conference and explain why it would be beneficial for you to attend. How would attending positively impact student learning and English language development?

Write a persuasive essay (750-1,000 words) to the school principal or the school board president who is reluctant to send you to the conference.

  1. Describe the purpose of the conference and provide a rationale for attending. Support the rationale with scholarly research. Explain how attending the conference would improve your teaching practice and lead to higher learning outcomes for ELLs.
  2. Describe the current ELL classroom structures as well as the socioeconomic breakdown of your current district. Address any legislation that has been passed within the last 5 years that has impacted the education of ELLs in your district.
  3. Explain how the conference supports educating ELLs according to the ELP standards and legislation regarding educating ELLs.
  4. Describe the steps that you would take to ensure successful implementation of the resources and teaching strategies that would be obtained from the conference.

Include a link to the conference website on your References page. Any other relevant information regarding the conference should be included in an Appendix.

Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Submit this assignment to your instructor in LoudCloud by the end of this topic.

Program competencies and national standards assessed in the benchmark assignment:

COE 1.1: Candidate will evaluate the political, economic, and educational structures of immigration within the context of educational learning theories applied to ELLs. [TESOL 1.b.4; InTASC 2d]

COE 5.1: Candidate will take on leadership roles to advocate for meeting the needs of ELLs, access to academic classes, resources, and instructional technology, strengthening the learning environment, and enacting system change. [TESOL 5.b.3, 5.b.5; InTASC 10i, 10j, 10k]

COE 5.3: Candidate will model the expectations of the profession by upholding ethical standards, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies. [TESOL 5.a.2; InTASC 9o]

COE 5.4: Candidate will engage in ongoing learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in order to provide all learners with engaging curriculum and learning experiences within the context of local and state/ELL standards. [TESOL 5.b.1; InTASC 9a, 10f]


TSL 532 Topic 6 Educational Plan

Create a 750-1,000-word educational plan for a school in your community that incorporates the following:

  • Strategies to promote parental partnership.
  • Educational resources to promote at-home practice.
  • Technological tools that could be utilized in the classroom or at home.
  • An explanation about how this plan will improve student learning outcomes.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


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TSL 532 Full Course GCU

Best TSL 532 Full Course GCU
TSL 532 Full Course GCU

ACCT 553 DeVryBIAM 500 DeVryCIS 500 STRCIS 558 STRENG 105 GCUFIN 390 DeVryFIN 504 GCUHCA 545 GCUHCA 699 GCUHLT 306 GCUHLT 362 GCUHLT 555 GCUHLT 610 GCUHLT 665 GCUHOSP 594 DeVryHRM 600 DeVryMAT 144 GCUMGMT 600MGT 599 STRMGT 655 GCUMKT 373 GCUPSY 362 GCUPSY 565 GCUPSY 575 GCUPSY 665 GCUSOC 102 GCUSOC 320 GCUSOC 372 GCUSOC 412 GCUNSG 6440 SUHIM 515 GCUNSG 4029 SUHIM 615 GCUNSG 3029 SUNSG 4055 SUNSG 6630 SUNSG 6005 SUCRMJ 310PSY 510 GCUCRMJ 300 DevryCRMJ 425SPD 200 GCU, HLT 490 GCU ,ECH 340 GCU , ECH 440 GCU , ECH 355 GCU ,ECH 350 GCU ,LDR 461 GCU ,ECH 425 GCU ,REL 212 STR ,SCI 115 STR ,CIS 505 STR ,JUS 652 GCUMGT 640 GCUCIS 527 STRSOC 436 GCU,ACC 502 GCUFIN 504 GCU ,MATH 260 DeVry ,ETHC 445 DeVry ,ECET 220 DeVry , CARD 405 DeVryNETW 203 DeVryNETW 205 DeVryECET 365 DeVry ,MATH 270 DeVry ,PHYS 310 DeVry, BIB 106 GCU ,CIS 512 STR ,SYM 506 GCU ,ECN 601 GCU  ,BIAM 570 DeVryPSY 402 GCU , SOC 480 GCU , HUM 112 STR , PHI 210 STR,  ACC 667 GCU,  ACC 622 GCU,  ACC 623 GCU,  ENTR 510 DeVryDNP 840 GCU , BIO 550 GCU , HRM 420 DeVry , ACC 690 GCU  , HCA 807 GCU , ACC 650 GCU , REET 420 DeVry , MIS 605 GCU , ECET 350 DeVry , ENTR 530 DeVry , PSY 102 GCU , MIS 600 GCU , TCH 539 GCU , SPD 300 GCU , HCA 812 GCU , TCH 520 GCU , MGT 410 GCU , MIS 610 GCU , MGT 660 GCU , MGT 420 GCU , TSL 532 GCU


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