SOCW 6060 Week 1 Discussions Latest



SOCW 6060 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Week 1: What Are Social Work Theories?


Discussion 1: Are Theories Necessary?

Your classmates are also your colleagues and a social support system. Similarly, the other social workers you may work with in your agency will become colleagues and a social support system.

As colleagues, you may discuss sometimes controversial issues in the field of social work. Remember, you can agree to disagree with respect—which is key as you discuss and debate. As evidenced by Drs. Simon and Thyer, even the role of theories in social work can lead to disagreements.

In this Discussion, you take this opportunity to get to know one another and learn about topics upon which you may agree or disagree.

To upload your media to this Discussion thread, use the Kaltura Media option from the mashup tool drop-down menu. Refer to the Kaltura Media Uploader area in the course navigation menu for more information about how to upload media to the course.

POST-Just write it out and make sure it is 2-3 minutes and I will record

For this graded Discussion, record a 2- to 3-minute video introducing yourself to your colleagues. Your video should include responses to the following:

  •        Your name
  •        Your geographic location and what you did for fieldwork
  •        A brief reaction to Dr. Barbara Simon’s article about theories being necessary in social work as you think about her position in relation to your fieldwork experience
  •        A brief reaction to Dr. Bruce Thyer’s article about theories not being necessary in social work as you think about his position in relation to your fieldwork experience
  •        Do you tend to agree with Dr. Simon or Dr. Thyer? Why?


Discussion 2: Sources of Knowledge

Social workers make decisions in practice settings based on different sources of knowledge, including their intuitionpersonal experiencestraditionauthority, and theories and research evidence. These sources of knowledge can be used together to contribute to decisions. Which source(s) of knowledge do you rely on? What are the strengths and limitations of each source of knowledge, and how will they affect your social work practice? For example, think about the sources of knowledge you used when you made decisions in your field experience. In this Discussion, you consider the sources of knowledge that inform your practice decisions.

To prepare: Complete the “Situations 1 and 2: Making Decisions About Interventions” handout. (Note: You do not need to upload the handout to the Discussion forum. The handout is intended to assist you in writing your Discussion post.)


  •        Explain how and why your choices differed in Situations 1 and 2.
  •        Evaluate when using intuition or personal experiences is advantageous in making clinical decisions. Provide an illustration of this from your fieldwork experience.
  •        Analyze when using theories and research evidence is advantageous in making clinical decisions. Provide an illustration of this from your fieldwork experience




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SOCW 6060 Week 1 Discussions Latest

ACCT 553 DeVryBIAM 500 DeVryCIS 500 STRCIS 558 STRENG 105 GCUFIN 390 DeVryFIN 504 GCUHCA 545 GCUHCA 699 GCUHLT 306 GCUHLT 362 GCUHLT 555 GCUHLT 610 GCUHLT 665 GCUHOSP 594 DeVryHRM 600 DeVryMAT 144 GCUMGMT 600MGT 599 STRMGT 655 GCUMKT 373 GCUPSY 362 GCUPSY 565 GCUPSY 575 GCUPSY 665 GCUSOC 102 GCUSOC 320 GCUSOC 372 GCUSOC 412 GCUNSG 6440 SUHIM 515 GCUNSG 4029 SUHIM 615 GCUNSG 3029 SUNSG 4055 SUNSG 6630 SUNSG 6005 SUCRMJ 310PSY 510 GCUCRMJ 300 DevryCRMJ 425SPD 200 GCU, HLT 490 GCU ,ECH 340 GCU , ECH 440 GCU , ECH 355 GCU ,ECH 350 GCU ,LDR 461 GCU ,ECH 425 GCU ,REL 212 STR ,SCI 115 STR ,CIS 505 STR ,JUS 652 GCUMGT 640 GCUCIS 527 STRSOC 436 GCU,ACC 502 GCUFIN 504 GCU , MATH 260 DeVry ,ETHC 445 DeVry ,ECET 220 DeVry , CARD 405 DeVryNETW 203 DeVryNETW 205 DeVryECET 365 DeVry ,MATH 270 DeVry ,PHYS 310 DeVry, BIB 106 GCU ,CIS 512 STR ,SYM 506 GCU ,ECN 601 GCU  ,BIAM 570 DeVryPSY 402 GCU , SOC 480 GCU , HUM 112 STR , PHI 210 STR,  ACC 667 GCU,  ACC 622 GCU,  ACC 623 GCU,  ENTR 510 DeVryDNP 840 GCU , BIO 550 GCU



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