SOC-449 Topic 3 DQs GCU



SOC-449 Topic 3 DQs GCU

Topic 3 DQ 1

Watch “Probation Officer: Redo of Session 1” video located in the Topic 3 folder in MindTap. Explain how well you assessed the Case Manager’s skill set in Session 1. What did you learn about best practices and direct practice errors by watching this example? How were the changes effective? Explain the differences in the client’s response/reaction to the Probation Officer from Session 1 and the Redo of Session 1.

Topic 3 DQ 2

Explain the difference between giving advice and supporting a client. Provide an example of how to support a client without giving advice after you viewed the Probation Officer video scenarios.

SOC-449 Topic 3 DQs GCU
Custom SOC-449 Topic 3 DQs GCU


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