SOC-372-O500 Topic 1 Discussion GCU



SOC-372-O500 Topic 1 Discussion GCU

Topic 1 DQ 1 (Obj. 1.2 and 1.3)

Explain what the purpose and expectations of the profession of social work are to you. Next, explain how the
social work field differs from the other social sciences (psychology, sociology, anthropology). Compare and
contrast the varying levels (micro, mezzo, macro) where social workers are employed. Identify and explain the
purpose of the social worker role in each.

This discussion question is informed by the following EPAS Standard:
1. Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

Topic 1 DQ 2 (Obj. 1.3)

Choose two different career paths within the field of social work. Explain the educational requirements, for
entry into and for advancement in each of the two careers. Explain if you feel the educational requirements
are sufficient for the role people in both careers play. Explain why.

This discussion question is informed by the following EPAS Standard:
1. Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

SOC-372-O500 Topic 1 Discussion GCU
Custom SOC-372-O500 Topic 1 Discussion GCU


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