RES 831 Topic 6 Assignment GCU



RES 831 Topic 6 Assignment GCU

Topic 6 Introduction to MAXQDA for Qualitative Analysis

Assessment Description

Qualitative analysis software can assist with the analysis of data. In this assignment, you will use MAXQDA analysis software, which is used for qualitative data analysis, as well as some specialized quantitative analysis such as quantitative content analysis. This software can be used to analyze interview and focus group transcripts, documents, photographs, videos, and artifacts by inductively coding the data and developing themes using the process of thematic analysis, specific to your selected qualitative design.

General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Use the MAXQDA software you downloaded in Topic 5 of this course.
  • Download the transcript “TS Focus Group” using the link shown below as well as available in the Topic Resources for this topic.
  • Refer to the document, “Getting Started – MAXQDA 2020” attached to this assignment.
  • Code the transcript focusing on addressing, or answering, the research question shown at the top of the transcript document. Please do not use the “lexical coding process for coding words and phrases”, which is used in quantitative research.
  • This assignment will be scored based on full completion of the preliminary steps and assignment tasks followed by submission of the required deliverable.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

During Topic 5, you downloaded MAXQDA and read the MAXQDA Getting Started Guide from within MAXQDA at Please note the Guide is updated to the 2020 version. While vastly similar, you may notice some differences in the appearance of the interface. Pay particular attention as you read pages 12-24 of the Getting Started Guide.

Watch a Getting Started Video Tutorial at instruction on coding and the coding system in MAXQDA.  

Use the instructions on pages 12-13 of the Guide to import the transcript document “TS Focus Group” into the software.

Read instructions on pages 19-24 to do the following:

  1. Activate all documents.
  2. Use the coding feature to practice assigning codes to the quotes in the transcripts.
  3. To code the document, you will highlight sentences or long phrases, which you believe address the research question shown at the top of the focus group transcript. Assign a code name to the highlighted text. Then add a description for the code. Each code will show in the “code system”.
  4. Export the coding system and coded segments for one code in Excel.
  5. Double click on one code to activate and export the coded segments as an Excel table.
  6. Submit the MAXQDA output in EXCEL and the reflection paper to the gradebook.

Write a reflection (250-500 words) describing the following:

  1. The value of using MAXQDA for doing coding and thematic analysis.
  2. The challenges you faced in downloading and using MAXQDA to do coding.
  3. How you overcame those challenges.

Submit the following items to the gradebook for this assignment:

  1. Coded transcripts and code system showing your highlighted sentences and phrases. Include the code name and description
  2. The Excel output from MAXQDA from coding the transcript of the focus group: coding system and coding segments for one code.
  3. Your reflection on the use of MAXQDA.
RES 831 Topic 6 Assignment GCU
Custom RES 831 Topic 6 Assignment GCU


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