PSY-362-O501 Topic 6 Discussion GCU



PSY-362-O501 Topic 6 Discussion GCU

Topic 6 DQ 1

Research on the relation between religion and prejudice is well summarized by Gordon Allport: “The role of
religion is paradoxical. It makes prejudice and it unmakes prejudice.” In your opinion, do you agree, and, if so,
why might this be true? If you do not agree, explain your reasoning.

Topic 6 DQ 2

Prejudice has traditionally been assumed to be the product of some form of malice, brought about by social or
emotional forces. In recent years, however, there has been increasing research on how prejudice can result
from cognitive processes, without malicious intent. Discuss how and why cognitive processes can produce
prejudice. Once stereotypes and prejudices are formed, how do they come to be self-perpetuating?

PSY-362-O501 Topic 6 Discussion GCU
Custom PSY-362-O501 Topic 6 Discussion GCU


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