PSY 115 Psychology of Success Strayer Full Course Latest



PSY 115 Psychology of Success Strayer Full Course Latest

PSY 115 All Weeks Discussions Strayer

PSY 115 Week 1 Discussion Supporting Your Juggling Act

“Supporting Your Juggling Act”  Please respond to the following:

  • Please listen to or read this NPR story, “Moms Head Back-To-School To Pursue College Dreams”, and then respond to the following questions:
    • In the NPR interviews, most of the women pointed out the need for support from family and friends when going back to school. What kinds of support from family and friends have been most helpful to you in your own experience of going to school?
    • In what ways do you need more support from family and friends? What tips do you have for asking for help?
    • What social networks have you found to be helpful outside of your family and personal friends (classmates, mentors, work colleagues, etc.)?

PSY 115 Week 2 Discussion What is Success?

“What is Success?” Please respond to the following:

In this course you will be considering how psychological concepts can be applied to foster success in your life. Because success means different things to different people, it’s necessary to start by defining success. To think about your own definition, please read this Forbes article “The Answer to this Question Will Define What Success Means to You“, and then respond to the following:

  • Create your personal definition of success by answering the question posed in the the article: “When I’m 100 years old and I look back over my life, what would make me think my time was well spent?”
  • In order to achieve success based on your own definition, what specific life goals are most important to accomplish in the next few years?

PSY 115 Week 3 Discussion Time Out

“Time Out” Please respond to the following:

  • Please read this MindTools article, “Effective Scheduling”, grab a weekly planner, and then respond to the following questions:
    • How much available time do you need to schedule for work each week? What are your typical work hours?
    • How much available time do you need to schedule for school each week (completing course work, attending class, etc.)? When do you do your class work each week?
    • How much available time do you need to schedule for home or personal activities each week? (Be sure to include sleep and other must-do activities)
    • How do you prioritize your time each week and how do these time priorities align with your goals?

PSY 115 Week 4 Discussion Sleep On It

“Sleep On It” Please respond to the following:

  • Please read this NIH News in Health article, “Sleep On It”, then respond to the following questions:
    • According to the article, why is sleep so important for memory?
    • How much sleep did you get last night? And about how much sleep do you get each night on average?
    • What tends to interfere with your ability to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
    • What recommendations do you have for getting a good night’s sleep? What has worked for you?

PSY 115 Week 5 Discussion Multitasking vs. Singletasking

PSY 115 Week 6 Discussion Interleaving for Learning

PSY 115 Week 7 Discussion Make It a Habit

PSY 115 Week 8 Discussion Fixed-Mindset Triggers

“Fixed-Mindset Triggers” Please respond to the following:
  • From, please read the “How can you change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset?” page, and then respond to the following questions:
    • As Carol Dweck notes, we all hold both fixed and growth mindsets. Identifying situations that trigger a fixed-mindset voice can be a beneficial first step. These are situations that make you feel defensive, anxious, or worried about your ability (e.g., getting performance-improvement suggestions, low grades, new projects, etc.) What are some fixed-mindset triggers you experience at work and at school? Explain how you these make you feel.
    • Choose one of your identified fixed-mindset triggers. How might you respond with a growth mindset voice instead?
    • Think of a recent setback and explain how you were able to overcome it or how you plan to respond to the challenge.

PSY 115 Week 9 Discussion Try, Try Again

PSY 115 Week 10 Discussion How You Think About Stress Matters

“How You Think About Stress Matters” Please respond to the following:
  • Please watch this TED Talk, “Kelly McGonigal: How To Make Stress Your Friend”  and then respond to the following questions:
    • What factors contribute the most to stress in your life right now?
    • Describe one stressful situation where you will be able to use the first intervention mentioned in the video (understanding that your body’s stress response is helpful).
    • Describe one stressful situation where you will be able to use the second intervention mentioned in the video (sharing your struggles with others who care about you).
    • Who are you currently supporting as they reach out to you under stress? If you can’t identify someone you fill this role for now, who could use your support in dealing with their stress?

PSY 115 Week 11 Discussion Reflection

PSY 115 All Weeks Assignments Strayer

PSY 115 Week 3 Assignment 1: Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals (Milestone 1)

Due Week 3 and worth 100 points

What are three (3) personal or career goals that you would like to accomplish in the next three to twelve months? Based on the information presented on setting and managing goals in the webtext, identify three personal or career goals you would like to accomplish and explain why these goals are important and how achieving them will help you improve your life. In addition, summarize the research on goals from the “Managing Multiple Goals” Investigation in Chapter 3 and explain how your goals follow the principles of setting good goals.


Milestone 1 should be one to two (1-2) pages in length and should include the following:

  1. Specify and explain one personal or career goal you have that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of the goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  2. Specify and explain a second personal or career goal you have that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of this goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  3. Specify and explain a third personal or career goal you have that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of this goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  4. Summarize the research on goals from the “Managing Multiple Goals” Investigation in Chapter 3 that you found most relevant, and explain how your goals follow the principles of setting good goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  1. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    1. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]
    2. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes
  • Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.
  • Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.


Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 100 Assignment 1: Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals (Milestone 1)


Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D



70-79% C



80-89% B



90-100% A

1. Specify and explain your first goal.

·       Include a succinct, clear statement of the goal or the change you want to make

·       Include a deadline within the next 3-12 months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.

·       Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.


Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely specified and explained the first goal.

·       Did not include a succinct, clear statement of the first goal or change, or it was incomplete.

·       Did not include a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the goal or it was incomplete.

·       Did not submit or incompletely discussed the importance of the goal or change and how it will help improve your life.

Insufficiently specified and explained the first goal.

·       Insufficient statement of the goal or change

·       Insufficient deadline within the next 3-12 months set for first goal.

·       Insufficiently discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.

Partially specified and explained the first goal.

·       Partially included a succinct, clear statement of the first goal.

·       Partially included deadline within the next 3-12 months for the first goal.

·       Partially discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.

Satisfactorily specified and explained the first goal.

·       Satisfactorily Included a succinct, clear statement of the first goal

·       Satisfactorily included a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the first goal.

·       Satisfactorily discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.

Thoroughly specified and explained the first goal.

·       Thoroughly included a succinct, clear statement of the first goal.

·       Thoroughly included a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the first goal.

·       Thoroughly discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.

2. Specify and explain your second goal.

·       Include a succinct, clear statement of the goal or the change you want to make

·       Include a deadline within the next 3-12 months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.

·       Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.


Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely specified and explained the second goal.

·       Did not include a succinct, clear statement of the second goal, or it was incomplete.

·       Did not include a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the goal or it was incomplete.

·       Did not submit or incompletely discussed the importance of the goal or change and how it will help improve your life.


Insufficiently specified and explained the second goal.

·       Insufficient statement of the goal.

·       Insufficient deadline within the next 3-12 months set for second goal.

·       Insufficiently discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


Partially specified and explained the second goal.

·       Partially included a succinct, clear statement of the second goal.

·       Partially included deadline within the next 3-12 months for the second goal.

·       Partially discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


Satisfactorily specified and explained the second goal.

·       Satisfactorily Included a succinct, clear statement of the second goal.

·       Satisfactorily included a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the second goal.

·       Satisfactorily discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


Thoroughly specified and explained the second goal.

·       Thoroughly included a succinct, clear statement of the second goal.

·       Thoroughly included a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the second goal.

·       Thoroughly discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


3. Specify and explain your third goal.

·       Include a succinct, clear statement of the goal or the change you want to make

·       Include a deadline within the next 3-12 months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.

·       Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.


Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely specified and explained the third goal.

·       Did not include a succinct, clear statement of the third goal, or it was incomplete.

·       Did not include a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the goal or it was incomplete.

·       Did not submit or incompletely discussed the importance of the goal or change and how it will help improve your life.


Insufficiently specified and explained the third goal.

·       Insufficient statement of the third goal.

·       Insufficient deadline within the next 3-12 months set for third goal.

·       Insufficiently discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


Partially specified and explained the third goal.

·       Partially included a succinct, clear statement of the third goal.

·       Partially included deadline within the next 3-12 months for the third goal.

·       Partially discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


Satisfactorily specified and explained the third goal.

·       Satisfactorily included a succinct, clear statement of the third goal.

·       Satisfactorily included a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the third goal.

·       Satisfactorily discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


Thoroughly specified and explained the third goal.

·       Thoroughly included a succinct, clear statement of the third goal.

·       Thoroughly included a deadline within the next 3-12 months for the third goal.

·       Thoroughly discussed why this goal or change is important and how it will help improve your life.


4. Summarize the research on goals from the “Managing Multiple Goals” Investigation in Chapter 3 that you found most relevant, and explain how your goals follow the principles of setting good goals.


Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely summarized the research on goals from the investigation in Chapter 3 that was most relevant. Did not submit or incompletely explained how the three goals follow the principles of setting good goals. Insufficiently summarized the research on goals from the investigation in Chapter 3 that was most relevant. Insufficiently explained how the three goals follow the principles of setting good goals. Partially summarized the research on goals from the investigation in Chapter 3 that was most relevant. Partially explained how the three goals follow the principles of setting good goals. Satisfactorily summarized the research on goals from the investigation in Chapter 3 that was most relevant. Satisfactorily explained how the three goals follow the principles of setting good goals. Thoroughly summarized the research on goals from the investigation in Chapter 3 that was most relevant. Thoroughly explained how the three goals follow the principles of setting good goals.
5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements


Weight: 10%

Did not submit or wrote with an incomplete level of clarity. Did not submit or incompletely adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with an insufficient level of clarity. Insufficiently adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with partial level of clarity. Partially adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a satisfactory level of clarity. Satisfactorily adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a thorough level of clarity. Thoroughly adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment.




PSY 115 Week 7 Assignment 2: Principles of Success Plan: The First Three Principles (Milestone 2)

Due Week 7 and worth 100 points


How would you advise a person to succeed in accomplishing personal, career, or learning goals based on what you’ve learned about attention, spaced repetition, and habit formation? Based on the information presented on selective attention, spaced repetition, and habit formation (located in chapters 4-7 of the webtext), summarize each concept and identify one principle of success for each concept related to accomplishing learning, career, or personal goals. In addition, explain how you have experienced each of these principles working in your life or how you plan to apply them to meeting your own personal or career goals.


Milestone 2 should be two to four (2-4) pages in length and should include the following:

  1. One principle of success related to the concept of selective attention.
    1. State one principle of success related to selective attention in one sentence.
    2. Summarize the concept of selective attention and explain its relationship to learning. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
    3. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  2. One principle of success related to the concept of spaced repetition (or the spacing effect).
    1. State one principle of success related to spaced repetition in one sentence.
    2. Summarize the concept of spaced repetition and explain its relationship to learning. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
    3. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  3. One principle of success related to the concept of habit formation.
    1. State one principle of success related to habit formation in one sentence.
    2. Summarize the concept of habit formation and explain its significance for meeting goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
    3. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  1. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine psychological principles of success using major theories of learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development, and social psychology.
  • Describe the differences between growth and fixed mindsets and apply mindsets to personal experiences.
  • Apply behaviorist psychology principles to describe how humans learn and develop habits.
  • Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.
  • Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.
  • Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.


Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 100 Assignment 2: Principles of Success Plan: The First Three Principles (Milestone 2)


Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D



70-79% C



80-89% B



90-100% A

1. State one principle of success related to selective attention. Summarize the concept of selective attention and explain its relationship to learning. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.

Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely stated one principle of success related to selective attention. Did not submit or incompletely summarized the concept of selective attention and explained its relationship to learning. Did not submit or incompletely explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Insufficiently stated one principle of success related to selective attention. Insufficiently summarized the concept of selective attention and explained its relationship to learning. Insufficiently explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Partially stated one principle of success related to selective attention. Partially summarized the concept of selective attention and explained its relationship to learning. Partially explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals. Satisfactorily stated one principle of success related to selective attention. Satisfactorily summarized the concept of selective attention and explained its relationship to learning. Satisfactorily explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals. Thoroughly stated one principle of success related to selective attention. Thoroughly summarized the concept of selective attention and explained its relationship to learning. Thoroughly explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.
2. State one principle of success related to spaced repetition. Summarize the concept of spaced repetition and explain its relationship to learning. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely stated one principle of success related to spaced repetition. Did not submit or incompletely summarized the concept of spaced repetition and explained its relationship to learning. Did not submit or incompletely explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Insufficiently stated one principle of success related to spaced

repetition. Insufficiently summarized the concept of spaced repetition and explained its relationship to learning. Insufficiently explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Partially stated one principle of success related to spaced repetition. Partially summarized the concept of spaced repetition and explained its relationship to learning. Partially explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Satisfactorily stated one principle of success related to spaced repetition. Satisfactorily summarized the concept of spaced repetition and explained its relationship to learning. Satisfactorily explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


Thoroughly stated one principle of success related to spaced repetition. Thoroughly summarized the concept of spaced repetition and explained its relationship to learning. Thoroughly explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals.


3. State one principle of success related to habit formation. Summarize the concept of habit formation and explain its significance for meeting goals. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.

Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely stated one principle of success related to habit formation. Did not submit or incompletely summarized the concept of habit formation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Did not submit or incompletely explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Insufficiently stated one principle of success related to habit formation. Insufficiently summarized the concept of habit formation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Insufficiently explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Partially stated one principle of success related to habit formation. Partially summarized the concept of habit formation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Partially explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Satisfactorily stated one principle of success related to habit formation. Satisfactorily summarized the concept of habit formation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Satisfactorily explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Thoroughly stated one principle of success related to habit formation. Thoroughly summarized the concept of habit formation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Thoroughly explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.
4. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements


Weight: 10%

Did not submit or wrote with an incomplete level of clarity. Did not submit or incompletely adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with an insufficient level of clarity. Insufficiently adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a partial level of clarity. Partially adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a satisfactory level of clarity. Satisfactorily adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a thorough level of clarity. Thoroughly adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment.



PSY 115 Week 10 Assignment 3: Final Principles of Success Plan

Due Week 10 and worth 150 points

For your Final Principles of Success Plan, you will combine the goals and principles you wrote for Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 (Assignments 1 and 2 in this course), and then you will add the three additional principles based on concepts presented in chapters 8, 9, and 10 in your webtext – mindset, grit, and self-regulation.


To complete your final paper, first make any necessary edits to Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 based on feedback from your instructor. Next, from the information presented on mindset, grit, and self-regulation (in chapters 8-10), summarize each concept and determine one principle of success for each concept related to meeting the goals you set in Milestone 1. In other words, how would you advise a person to succeed in accomplishing goals based on what you’ve learned about mindset, grit, and self-regulation? (Principles may be focused on pursuing goals or overcoming obstacles or setbacks in meeting those goals.) In addition, explain how you have experienced each of these principles working in your own life or how you plan to apply them to meeting your own personal or career goals.


Your final Principles of Success Plan should be five to seven (5-7) pages in length and should include the following:

  1. One principle of success related to the concept of mindset.
    1. State one principle of success related to mindset in one sentence.
    2. Summarize the concept of mindset and explain its significance for meeting goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
    3. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  2. One principle of success related to the concept of grit.
    1. State one principle of success related to grit in one sentence.
    2. Summarize the concept of grit and explain its significance for meeting goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
    3. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  3. One principle of success related to the concept of self-regulation.
    1. State one principle of success related to self-regulation in one sentence.
    2. Summarize the concept of self-regulation and explain its significance for meeting goals. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
    3. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. – One paragraph of 3-5 sentences
  4. Revise Milestone 1 based on instructor feedback and include final revised version.
  5. Revise Milestone 2 based on instructor feedback and include final revised version.
  1. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine psychological principles of success using major theories of learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development, and social psychology.
  • Construct an applied working concept of self-regulation.
  • Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.
  • Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.
  • Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.


Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 150 Assignment 3: Final Principles of Success Plan


Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D



70-79% C



80-89% B



90-100% A

1. State one principle of success related to mindset. Summarize the concept of mindset and explain its significance for meeting goals. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely stated one principle of success related to mindset. Did not submit or incompletely summarized the concept of mindset and explained its significance for meeting goals. Did not submit or incompletely explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Insufficiently stated one principle of success related to mindset. Insufficiently summarized the concept of mindset and explained its significance for meeting goals. Insufficiently explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Partially stated one principle of success related to mindset. Partially summarized the concept of mindset and explained its significance for meeting goals. Partially explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Satisfactorily stated one principle of success related to mindset. Satisfactorily summarized the concept of mindset and explained its significance for meeting goals. Satisfactorily explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Thoroughly stated one principle of success related to mindset. Thoroughly summarized the concept of mindset and explained its significance for meeting goals. Thoroughly explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


2. State one principle of success related to grit. Summarize the concept of grit and explain its significance for meeting goals. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely stated one principle of success related to grit. Did not submit or incompletely summarized the concept of grit and explained its significance for meeting goals. Did not submit or incompletely explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Insufficiently stated one principle of success related to grit. Insufficiently summarized the concept of grit and explained its significance for meeting goals. Insufficiently explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Partially stated one principle of success related to grit. Partially summarized the concept of grit and explained its significance for meeting goals. Partially explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Satisfactorily stated one principle of success related to grit. Satisfactorily summarized the concept of grit and explained its significance for meeting goals. Satisfactorily explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Thoroughly stated one principle of success related to grit. Thoroughly summarized the concept of grit and explained its significance for meeting goals. Thoroughly explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


3. State one principle of success related to self-regulation. Summarize the concept of self-regulation and explain its significance for meeting goals. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely stated one principle of success related to self-regulation. Did not submit or incompletely summarized the concept of self-regulation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Did not submit or incompletely explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Insufficiently stated one principle of success related to self-regulation. Insufficiently summarized the concept of self-regulation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Insufficiently explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Partially stated one principle of success related to self-regulation. Partially summarized the concept of self-regulation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Partially explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. Satisfactorily stated one principle of success related to self-regulation. Satisfactorily summarized the concept of self-regulation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Satisfactorily explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.


Thoroughly stated one principle of success related to self-regulation. Thoroughly summarized the concept of self-regulation and explained its significance for meeting goals. Thoroughly explained how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action.
4. Revise Milestone 1 – Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals, based on instructor feedback.


Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely revised Milestone 1 – Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals, based on instructor feedback. Insufficiently revised Milestone 1 – Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals, based on instructor feedback. Partially revised Milestone 1 – Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals, based on instructor feedback. Satisfactorily revised Milestone 1 – Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals, based on instructor feedback. Thoroughly revised Milestone 1 – Principles of Success Plan: Three Goals, based on instructor feedback.
5. Revise Milestone 2 – Principles of Success Plan: First Three Principles, based on instructor feedback.


Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely revised Milestone 2 – Principles of Success Plan: First Three Principles, based on instructor feedback. Insufficiently revised Milestone 2 – Principles of Success Plan: First Three Principles, based on instructor feedback. Partially revised Milestone 2 – Principles of Success Plan: First Three Principles, based on instructor feedback. Satisfactorily revised Milestone 2 – Principles of Success Plan: First Three Principles, based on instructor feedback.


Thoroughly revised Milestone 2 – Principles of Success Plan: First Three Principles, based on instructor feedback.
5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.


Weight: 10%

Did not submit or wrote with an incomplete level of clarity. Did not submit or incompletely adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with an insufficient level of clarity. Insufficiently adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a partial level of clarity. Partially  adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a satisfactory level of clarity. Satisfactorily adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment. Wrote with a thorough level of clarity. Thoroughly adhered to proper writing mechanics and the formatting requirements outlined for this assignment.


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PSY 115 Psychology of Success Strayer Full Course Latest

Perfect PSY 115 Psychology of Success Strayer Full Course Latest
PSY 115 Psychology of Success Strayer Full Course Latest

ACCT 553 DeVry, BIAM 500 DeVry, CIS 500 STR, CIS 558 STR, ENG 105 GCU, FIN 390 DeVry, FIN 504 GCU, HCA 545 GCU, HCA 699 GCU, HLT 306 GCU, HLT 362 GCU, HLT 555 GCU, HLT 610 GCU, HLT 665 GCU, HOSP 594 DeVry, HRM 600 DeVry, MAT 144 GCU, MGMT 600, MGT 599 STR, MGT 655 GCU, MKT 373 GCU, PSY 362 GCU, PSY 565 GCU, PSY 575 GCU, PSY 665 GCU, SOC 102 GCU, SOC 320 GCU, SOC 372 GCU, SOC 412 GCU, PSY 693 GCU, JUS 325 GCU, DNP 801 GCU, PSY 115 STR


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