POL 110 All Weeks Discussions Strayer



POL 110 All Weeks Discussions Strayer

POL 110 Week 1 Discussion

Rewrite an Amendment – Please respond to the following:

You have the chance to rewrite one of the Constitutional Amendments besides the 2nd Amendment. Which amendment would you choose and why? What changes would you make in rewriting this amendment? How would this affect the day-to-day lives of U.S. citizens and residents today?

POL 110 Week 2 Discussion

States’ Rights vs. Federal Jurisdiction – Please respond to the following:

From the following 4 topics, research one issue from the past three (3) months. What is or are the main point or points in the issue you selected? Discuss if you side with states’ rights or federal jurisdiction regarding this issue and why.

  • Education
  • Health Care
  • National Parks
  • Environment


States’ Rights vs. Federal Jurisdiction – Please respond to the following:

Assume you are from the State of Texas. Based on this week’s scenario, the information provided below, and the knowledge gained from reading Chapters 2, 3, and 4, in your opinion present arguments for or against the following Texas law. Argue one side only.

(1) Is the State of Texas infringing on a woman’s Right to Privacy by making abortion difficult to perform in the state? Why or why not?

(2) How would you relate this law to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade?

(3) Is this Texas law just, and does it infringe on a woman’s right to choose? Be insightful. Conduct some research.

For background information on this issue, please see the attached file.

POL110-Discussion-Question-2-Resources.docx (14.321 KB)

POL 110 Week 3 Discussion

The Right to Protest – Please respond to the following (use paragraphs to separate responses):

  • Identify a recent protest from the past 3 months.
    • Describe the issue or issues that were protested, who the protesters were, and what their actions were.
    • Explain and discuss if there were counteractions, such as counter-protests, retaliation, or extra security visible during the protest.
    • Do you think the government, universities, or businesses have the right to censor protests (threaten protesters with legal action or disciplinary action for protesting), or set limits on protests (including social media) such as where and when protests can happen by citizens/students/employees?

POL 110 Week 4 Discussion

Fair and Balanced –  Please respond to the following:

  • Choose a current political issue within the past month. Find an article about the political issue selected from both a liberal and conservative news source (not social media).
  • Provide a brief summary of the articles and discuss how each article covers the issue.
  • Which article do you think did a better job of presenting the facts of the issue most clearly and objectively?

POL 110 Week 5 Discussion

The Influence of Interest Groups – Please respond to the following:

  • Identify a recent policy debate (besides gun control) from the past 6 months. Research which interest groups participated in this policy. Do you think they had too much influence on the policy, the right amount, or not enough?


Are interest groups seeking to corrupt the political process? – Please respond to the following:

  • How do tightly organized, single interest groups differ from broadly based interest groups? For example, how should a Congressman react when confronted by a single interest group in his district that has a substantial voting bloc and includes millions of dollars in campaign contributions as opposed to focusing on the broad welfare of citizens (example – NRA vs. groups for gun control).

POL 110 Week 6 Discussion

Third Party Candidates – Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss one effect that the two-party system of the United States has on the political interests of American citizens. Suggest one reason or strategy used by the two-party system to keep third party candidates from successfully running for president.

POL 110 Week 7 Discussion

I’m Just a Bill – Please respond to the following:

  • Identify a bill in the House or Senate during the past 6 months that was scheduled for a vote but removed. Identify and discuss reasons why the vote was cancelled and implications for the people or congressional body.

POL 110 Week 8 Discussion

Executive Orders –  Please respond to the following:

  • Identify an executive order that a U.S. president has issued in the past 2 years. Discuss why you think this was or was not a good use of presidential power. Did the president first try to get Congress to pass the order as a law? Or was it in response to an emergency or national crisis?

POL 110 Week 9 Discussion

The Right to a Fair Trial – Please respond to the following:

  • Select a recent high-profile court case from the past 2 years. Identify and explain at least 3 factors of the trial that could prevent the defendant from receiving a fair trial. Then construct or develop at least 2 policies that could mitigate those issues.

POL 110 Week 10 Discussion

Social Policy – Please respond to the following:

  • Research the current debates from the past 6 months about Social Security and Medicare. Identify one issue in the Social Security or Medicare debate and discuss two changes that would help address the issue you have identified.


Foreign Policy – Please respond to the following:

  • What should be America’s role in the Middle East or around the world? Explain why you think the United States should have this role or not. Identify one or two roles the United States should be engaged in internationally.
  • To get you started, here is a video on the situation in Syria and how the United States got involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFpanWNgfQY&t=14s

POL 110 Week 11 Discussion

Self-review of Course – Please respond to the following:

  • Near the beginning of this Course Guide, you will find 15 course outcomes. Based on these outcomes, address the following:
    • Select at least one outcome that was well accomplished from your point of view and explain why.
    • Select at least one outcome that was not well accomplished and that you believe needed further coverage.
  • Provide at least one enlightening experience you had in this course. For example, what fact or concept was new, surprising, or very interesting and you would not have known if you had not taken the course. Explain why this is valuable to you.


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