NU675-7D-LA Unit 15 Assignment – Final Transition to Practice Plan Herzing



NU675-7D-LA Unit 15 Assignment – Final Transition to Practice Plan Herzing


For this assignment, you will submit a portfolio that includes the following; current CV updated with PMHNP education, MAT training certificates, and any additional training certificates received.  You will also compile a PPT that shows your preparation for board certification, licensing, and employment searches.

This is intended to help you investigate needs for the upcoming transition from graduate to PMHNP.

Include the following slides:

  1. Title slide: Name, PMHNP graduate, state for license
  2. ANCC: What is the application process and eligibility for the PMHNP exam?
  3. What are your preparations for the ANCC Board certification exam?
  4. Licensing: What state are you planning to initially license in? What are requirements and steps for license?
  5. Prescribing license:  Does your state require a separate license to prescribe?  Does your state require specific hours of pharmacology for initial license?
  6. ConEd.: What continuing education requirements are required for renewal of license for your state?
  7. Autonomous Practice: Does your state allow autonomous practice?  If so are there requirements or can you practice independently upon board certification and license being received?
  8. Insurance Credentialing: Research the insurance credentialing process for a new provider.  How long will this take before you can practice if you plan to accept insurance and be paneled by insurance companies?  (Note: This may increase your time from graduation to start date of employment with some employers)
  9. Job Search: What particular specialty/population will you be searching for in psychiatric care?  How do you plan to stand out and differentiate yourself from other applicants for your dream job?
  10. Summary your PMHNP student experience
  11. References (APA format, minimum of 3 references used)
NU675-7D-LA Unit 15 Assignment - Final Transition to Practice Plan Herzing
Custom NU675-7D-LA Unit 15 Assignment – Final Transition to Practice Plan Herzing


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