NU636-7B Unit 4 Discussion 2 – Treatment of Hypothyroidism Herzing



NU636-7B Unit 4 Discussion 2 – Treatment of Hypothyroidism Herzing

Discussion Prompt

Scenario: You are evaluating a 53-year-old white female who wants to talk to you about lab work that she had done recently at “Any Lab Test Now”.

  • She wanted to have lab work done because she was feeling tired and unmotivated.  Additionally, she had put on about 15 pounds even though she has been teaching yoga 2-3 times a week for the last few years.
  • The lab results reveal a TSH of 93.
  • She reports her last menstrual period was about 3 years ago.  She experienced some menopausal symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats.  However, she states they weren’t too much of a problem and those resolved a couple years ago.
  • She denies any difficulty swallowing or neck pain/tenderness.
  • Constitutional exam: 5’5” tall, 154 pounds, BP 145/88, P 60, R 16, Temp 97.2
  • Neck – nontender, mild goiter with right side of thyroid larger than the left side
  • Heart – regular rhythm without murmur or gallop
  • Lungs – clear
  • Skin – dry on extremities with some flaking noted
  • A slowness of the relaxation phase of the Achilles tendon reflex is noted

Please develop a discussion that responds to each of the following prompts.  Where appropriate your discussion needs to be supported by scholarly resources.  Be sure to include in-text citations in the context of the discussion and provide a full reference citation at the end of the discussion.

NU636-7B Unit 4 Discussion 2 - Treatment of Hypothyroidism Herzing
Custom NU636-7B Unit 4 Discussion 2 – Treatment of Hypothyroidism Herzing


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