NSG 6620 Week 6 Discussions Latest SU



NSG 6620 Week 6 Discussions Latest SU

NSG 6620 Week 6 Assignment 1 Discussion

Discussion Question 1: Role of the Nurse Executive

There are numerous definitions of what it means to be a nurse executive.The definition may change according to the work environment in your healthcare organization.Some literature refers to the nurse executive as a nurse administrator.The nurse executive must have knowledge, skills, and competencies that foster and promote nursing leadership within the healthcare organization.Nurse executives are in a key leadership role in healthcare organizations and have the capacity to effect positive change and promote a culture of community and excellence.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Examine the role of the nurse executive in a clinical area with staff, patients, and providers.Explain why this role is important.

Explain why the nurse executive needs to delegate.What are some of the challenges nurses face during delegation?

Evaluate the role of the nurse executive in succession planning for the healthcare organization.

Examine the educational preparation and national certification requirements for a nurse executive.

Comment on the postings of at least two peers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Examined the role of the nurse executive in a clinical area with staff, patients, and providers, and explained why this role is important.

Explained why the nurse executive needs to delegate.What are some of the challenges nurses face during delegation?

Evaluated the role of the nurse executive in succession planning for the healthcare organization.

Examined the educational preparation and national certification requirements for a nurse executive.

Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

NSG 6620  Week 6 Discussion 2

Discussion Question 2: Characteristics of an Effective Team

As the saying goes, “There is no I in team.” There is another saying, “The whole world is a team.” These two sayings support the fact that everyone in healthcare organizations must work together for the good of patients.There is much in healthcare literature focusing on the role of high-performance teams and their impact on patient quality, patient safety, and healthcare worker satisfaction.One of the greatest “value-added” benefits of high-performance teams is the collaboration and sharing of essential information to enhance quality and patient outcomes.In modern healthcare organizations, effective teams are critical to providing patient and healthcare worker satisfaction.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Describe at least three characteristics of an effective team.

Identify two challenges with interprofessional healthcare teams with respect to the various roles.

Describe one high-performing team in which you are currently engaged or have engaged in the past.What are the reasons for the success or failure of this team?

Examine how education models created for interprofessional healthcare students may develop high-performing healthcare teams.

Comment on the postings of at least two peers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Described at least three characteristics of an effective team.

Identified two challenges with interprofessional healthcare teams with respect to the various roles.

Described one high-performing team in which you are currently engaged or have engaged in the past, and explained the reasons for the success or failure of this team.

Examined how education models created for interprofessional healthcare students may develop high-performing healthcare teams.

Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Commented on the postings of at least two peers.


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