NSG 6005 Week 1 Assignment 2 Discussion Latest SU



NSG 6005 Week 1 Assignment 2 Discussion Latest SU

NSG 6005 Week 1  Assignment 2 Discussion

Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions listed below .By Week 1, Day 3, respond to the selected discussion question and submit your response to this Discussion Area .

Be sure to respond to the question using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading .Justify your answers using examples and reasoning .Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using APA format .

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible .Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts .Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion .

Discussion Question 1

Interview a pharmacist and ask for his or her thoughts on your role as an APN .Ask the pharmacist to share his or her opinion about how well prepared APNs should be for this responsibility and what suggestions he or she may have for your future success .In your response, talk about who the pharmacist was, what was his or her educational background, and where he or she works and list the questions you asked .Reflect upon his or her words and ideas and discuss how you feel about his or her opinion and how this might help you in your future role .

Discussion Question 2

Informatics has provided multiple avenues for APNs to improve their practice .Identify one electronic source that can help you prescribe medications .Name the source and explain why this will be helpful to you in the clinical setting .List the types of information this resource provides and its limitations .Is there a cost associated with its use? If so, does the cost seem reasonable? Discuss the limitations, if any, the program has .Discuss why this program seems useful for you .


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NSG 6005 Week 1 Assignment 2 Discussion Latest SU

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