



Chapter 4 Case Problems: 1 and 2

  1. A popular tourist state has fallen on hard times. The state government can no longer provide adequate funds for its state park system. The governor has proposed a “group maintenance” policy for the parks. This means that all the parks in a given part of the state would be managed on a group basis. Eliminated would be all of the individual local park managers. Several million people visit these parks each year—an important part of the state’s tourism. What might be some feasible solutions to the funding problems of the park system?
  2. A popular tourist state has fallen on hard times. The state government can no longer provide adequate funds for its state park system. The governor has proposed a “group maintenance” policy for the parks. This means that all the parks in a given part of the state would be managed on a group basis. Eliminated would be all of the individual local park managers. Several million people visit these parks each year—an important part of the state’s tourism. What might be some feasible solutions to the funding problems of the park system?

Chapter 5 Case Problems: 1 and 2

  1. The Rotary Club program chairman has asked you to give a talk on the advantages of cruises. He has also hinted that club members might be interested in taking a group cruise with their spouses and children. What would you include in your talk?
  2. Air transportation is truly a global industry. However, future growth in world demand is being impeded by many nations that have enacted various air regulations and restrictive laws. A beginning toward a “new world order” of global competition and interconnectedness has occurred. The first “open skies” agreement was established between the United States and The Netherlands. This agreement, dubbed Open Skies I, signals the beginning of open skies becoming global. The agreement abolishes all legal and diplomatic environments, as well as all other trade barriers, that impede airline efficiency. It also encourages competition. The Open Skies I accord completely deregulates air services between the two countries. Now such a pact has been agreed to between the United States and the European Union. How will this affect demand for travel on the world’s airlines? Explain and give several examples.

Chapter 6 Case Problems: 1 and 2

  1. You are the food and beverage manager of a resort hotel located in an interesting historical destination similar to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. Recently, you decided that all the guest servers in the dining room should wear authentic costumes typical of those when the area was at its peak as an early trading center. Some of the staff object to this plan, saying that it is a silly idea and also that the costumes look like they might be uncomfortable. What would your reaction be?
  2. Angelo V. and his son Leonard are co-owners of a fine-quality 150-seat table-service restaurant. Leonard has been gradually acquiring more authority and responsibility for management. However, recently he and his father have had some sharp disagreements relating to becoming members of their state’s restaurant association and the National Restaurant Association. Angelo feels that membership would be a waste of money. If you were Leonard, what would your arguments in favor be?


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