Herzing NU 610 Unit 6 Discussion Neuro Case Study



Herzing NU 610 Unit 6 Discussion Neuro Case Study

Unit 6 Discussion Neuro Case Study

Initial Discussion Question

A 60-year-old man is brought to the ER by ambulance because of slurred speech and left side weakness. His wife states they went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 5am when she noticed his symptoms. He is right-handed with a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia and a heart attack at age 50.

  • He currently is unable to move his left arm and leg.
  • He had an episode of amaurosis fugux (blindness)in his right eye one month ago that lasted for 5 minutes.
  • Around 3 months ago his wife states he had bilateral pain in his legs while they were on a walk that lasted about 15 minutes.
  • He is taking a baby aspirin a day an ACE inhibitor, and statin as well.
  • He does have a history of alcohol use and smoking in the past but stopped after his heart attack.
  • His blood pressure is 195/118 Pulse 106, Respiratory rate 18, Temperature 99.8, O2 sat is 97% on room air.
  • Although his pupils are equal and reactive, and the ocular movements are intact, he is unable to turn his eyes voluntarily toward the left side.
  • The neck is supple, there is no jugular vein distension, and there are no bruits.
  • The lungs are clear heart sounds regular without murmurs, and abdomen is normal.
  • The limbs are not well perfused distally.
  • The neurologic examination reveals that he is alert and oriented, although he does not recognize he is sick.
  • He shows loss of awareness and attention with respect to objects or stimuli on his left side.
  • He has mild dysarthria but, his speech is fluent, and he understands and follows commands very well.
  • There is mild weakness on the left side of the face and left sided homonymous hemaianopsia, but there is no nystagmus or ptosis, and no tongue or uvula deviation.
  • He is not able to move his left arm and leg, has hyperreflexia, and the left great toe is upgoing.
    • What are two questions you would ask this patient?
    • Identify the subjective data for this patient.
    • Identify the objective data for this patient.
    • What Social Determinants of Health would be relevant for this patient?

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Herzing NU 610 Unit 6 Discussion Neuro Case Study

Best Herzing NU 610 Unit 6 Discussion Neuro Case Study
Herzing NU 610 Unit 6 Discussion Neuro Case Study

ACCT 553 DeVryBIAM 500 DeVryCIS 500 STRCIS 558 STRENG 105 GCUFIN 390 DeVryFIN 504 GCUHCA 545 GCUHCA 699 GCUHLT 306 GCUHLT 362 GCUHLT 555 GCUHLT 610 GCUHLT 665 GCUHOSP 594 DeVryHRM 600 DeVryMAT 144 GCUMGMT 600MGT 599 STRMGT 655 GCUMKT 373 GCUPSY 362 GCUPSY 565 GCUPSY 575 GCUPSY 665 GCUSOC 102 GCUSOC 320 GCUSOC 372 GCUSOC 412 GCUNSG 6440 SUHIM 515 GCUNSG 4029 SUHIM 615 GCUNSG 3029 SUNSG 4055 SUNSG 6630 SUNSG 6005 SUCRMJ 310PSY 510 GCUCRMJ 300 DevryCRMJ 425SPD 200 GCU, HLT 490 GCU ,ECH 340 GCU , ECH 440 GCU , ECH 355 GCU ,ECH 350 GCU ,LDR 461 GCU ,ECH 425 GCU ,REL 212 STR ,SCI 115 STR ,CIS 505 STR ,JUS 652 GCUMGT 640 GCUCIS 527 STRSOC 436 GCU,ACC 502 GCUFIN 504 GCU ,MATH 260 DeVry ,ETHC 445 DeVry ,ECET 220 DeVry , CARD 405 DeVryNETW 203 DeVryNETW 205 DeVryECET 365 DeVry ,MATH 270 DeVry ,PHYS 310 DeVry, BIB 106 GCU ,CIS 512 STR ,SYM 506 GCU ,ECN 601 GCU  ,BIAM 570 DeVryPSY 402 GCU , SOC 480 GCU , HUM 112 STR , PHI 210 STR,  ACC 667 GCU,  ACC 622 GCU,  ACC 623 GCU,  ENTR 510 DeVryDNP 840 GCU , BIO 550 GCU , HRM 420 DeVry , ACC 690 GCU  , HCA 807 GCU , ACC 650 GCU , REET 420 DeVry , MIS 605 GCU , ECET 350 DeVry , ENTR 530 DeVry , PSY 102 GCU , MIS 600 GCU , TCH 539 GCU , SPD 300 GCU , SPD 320 GCU , ESL 533 GCU


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