ENG 115 All Weeks Discussions Strayer



ENG 115 All Weeks Discussions Strayer


ENG 115 Week 1 Discussion Introductions Welcome!

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and get to know your classmates:

  1. Tell us about yourself (family, hobbies, talents, etc.).
  2. Please view the Ted Talk (see below), “The power of believing that you can improve” and respond to the following questions:
    • How do you feel about learning and growth mindset?
    • How does this relate to your ability to succeed in ENG 115, writing, and life?
  3. You have a lot of experiences and knowledge. In this course, you will get to choose a topic to write about over the entire quarter. Which of the following is most interesting to you? Why?
    • Treating Animals Humanely
    • Finding Child Care
    • Working Remotely
    • Monitoring Toddlers and Technology
    • Examining Reality TV

ENG 115 Week 2 Discussion Thesis Statement Peer Review


Please share your one sentence thesis you created for your personal essay, and then respond to the following:

  1. Describe how your thesis writing process went. What was easy? What was hard?

Peer Feedback:

After you have posted, provide a classmate with feedback.

  1. Discuss your observations regarding how well your classmate’s thesis presents three ideas to guide his or her essay.
  2. Offer ideas for improvement where needed, and celebrate one or more strengths in your classmate’s writing.

How to give feedback: A “good” peer review is specific and combines suggestions for improvement and praise for what works well. A “poor” peer review does not give specifics and does not offer insight to help your classmate reflect on or improve his or her writing.


ENG 115 Week 3 Discussion Review the steps

Review the steps of the writing process. (We will be learning even more about this process in the coming weeks.)

  1. What part of the process do you think is most helpful? Why?
  2. Which part of the writing process do you need the most support with? Why?
  3. What surprised you about Kim Coles and her experience with writing?
  4. Your Mindset – Share an example of how you’ve shown perseverance and effort in this class.

ENG 115 Week 4 Discussion Point of View

In the Informative Essay, you are going to be writing in the third person point of view. When writing in third person, the writer does not refer to him or herself by using “I,” and does not address the reader directly by using “you.” Instead, the writer gives an observer’s perspective and uses words such as “he/she/they.”

  1. Copy/paste a few sentences from your Personal Essay (Assignment 1), which illustrates the use of first person (“I”) point of view.
  2. Change the point of view from first person to third person.

Peer Feedback:

After you have posted, provide a classmate with feedback.

  1. Did they change the point of view correctly?
  2. Do you have any changes to suggest?
  3. What did they do well? Make sure to celebrate each other’s successes.

How to give feedback: A “good” peer review is specific and combines suggestions for improvement and praise for what works well. A “poor” peer review does not give specifics and does not offer insight to help your classmate reflect on or improve his or her writing.

ENG 115 Week 5 Discussion Thesis Statement and Body Paragraph

Please share your thesis statement and one complete body paragraph from your Informative Essay – Draft, and then respond to the following question:

  1. How does your body paragraph directly support your thesis statement?
  2. Did you use rich, relevant examples or statistics?

Peer Feedback:

After you have posted, provide a classmate with feedback.

  1. Discuss your observations regarding how well your classmate’s body paragraph directly supports his or her thesis statement.
  2. Offer ideas for improvement where needed, and celebrate one or more strengths in your classmate’s writing.

How to give feedback: A “good” peer review is specific and combines suggestions for improvement and praise for what works well. A “poor” peer review does not give specifics and does not offer insight to help your classmate reflect on or improve his or her writing.

ENG 115 Week 6 Discussion Writing and You

Take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come and what you will continue to focus on.

  1. What have you learned from John Pollack? Is it helpful to hear his perspective?
  2. What part of writing do you need more help with, and which are you most comfortable with?
  3. Your Mindset – Share an example of how you’ve used critical thinking in this class.

Optional: Post a question or a piece of your paper that you need help with.

ENG 115 Week 7 Discussion Writing Check-in

  1. Please share your thesis statement and one paragraph from your Informative Essay – Revision and then respond to the following: Discuss what is challenging you or what you are proud of regarding your chosen paragraph.

Peer Feedback:

After you have posted, provide a classmate with feedback.

  1. Discuss your observations regarding your classmate’s post.
  2. Offer ideas for improvement where needed, and celebrate one or more strengths in your classmate’s writing.

How to give feedback: A “good” peer review is specific and combines suggestions for improvement and praise for what works well. A “poor” peer review does not give specifics and does not offer insight to help your classmate reflect on or improve his or her writing.

ENG 115 Week 8 Discussion Voice, Tone, and Point of View

  1. What voice and tone do you think is appropriate for your Stance Essay?
    • Voice: How do you feel about the topic? How do you want your readers to feel?
    • Tone: Casual or Formal
    • Point of View (POV): First or third person?
  2. Share 2-3 sentences from your Stance Essay and bold the words that help you express this voice and tone and underline the words that show the use of POV.
  3. Share any struggles and successes you are having with revising your Stance Essay.

Peer Feedback:

After you have posted, provide a classmate with feedback. Did your classmate’s voice match your his or her purpose? Offer ideas for improvement where needed, and celebrate one or more strengths in your classmate’s writing.

How to give feedback: A “good” peer review is specific and combines suggestions for improvement and praise for what works well. A “poor” peer review does not give specifics and does not offer insight to help your classmate reflect on or improve his or her writing.

ENG 115 Week 9 Discussion Writing Check-in

Use this week’s discussion to support each other and get feedback to improve your Stance Essay (due in Week 10).

  1. Select 1-2 paragraph(s) from your paper that you think need improving. Then, read the paragraph(s) aloud (preferably to someone else) and respond to the following:
    • What types of errors did you find that you didn’t catch before?
    • Did you uncover any errors that spell check did not identify?

Sometimes, it’s easier for other people to catch our writing mistakes. Help your classmates.

  • Did you find any spelling, punctuation, and/or capitalization errors?
  • Does it flow logically and clearly from one idea to the next?
  • Can you identify which part of the essay the shared paragraph(s) are from, i.e, introduction/thesis, body, and/or conclusion?
  • Can you offer ideas for improvement?
  • What does he/she do well?

How to give feedback: A “good” peer review is specific and combines suggestions for improvement and praise for what works well. A “poor” peer review does not give specifics and does not offer insight to help your classmate reflect on or improve his or her writing.

Optional: References List

  1. Post 2 APA formatted references.
  2. Provide feedback on APA formatting for your peers.

ENG 115 Week 10 Discussion Revisions

Reflect on what you have learned about revising, editing, and proofreading. Please respond to the following questions:

  1. If you were to teach a classmate how to revise, edit, and proofread, what would you tell him or her to do?
  2. How will you utilize these techniques to polish your Stance Essay before submitting it to the dropbox?

ENG 115 Week 11 Discussion Your Words Have Power

Throughout the course, you have had a chance to hear from three different writers that use writing to express themselves, inform, and/or persuade his or her audience.

  1. Who inspired you the most? Why?
  2. What does writing mean to you personally?
  3. How do you think you will use writing in your career?


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ENG 115 All Weeks Discussions Strayer

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