ECET 365 Week 7 Lab DeVry



ECET 365 Week 7 Lab DeVry

Lab 7: Integration of Subsystems


  1. Complete the assembly of project subsystems.
  2. Test the operation of the completed project.

Parts List

  1. Robotic Car Kit with visual sensors
  2. Freescale Tower Kit with S12G128 CPU board
  3. PC with IDE software (e.g. CodeWarrior Development Studio V5.1)


  1. The focus of the previous weeks of this course has been on the building and testing of the various subsystems of the project. This week is devoted to assembling the entire project and testing its operation.
  2. Considerable emphasis will be placed on test procedures that ensure the subsystems interact correctly with each other.


Answer all questions in Week 7 Lab Cover Sheet here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Submit your Week 7 Lab Assignment.

You can also download the cover sheet for Week 7 Lab in the Files section of the Course Menu.

Required Software

CodeWarrior Development Studio for S12(x) V5.1

Access the software at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Lab Steps

STEP 1: Procedures

  1. The Robotic Car has the following subsystems:
    1. Visual Sensor Subsystem
    2. Steering Subsystem
    3. Driver Motor Subsystem
    4. Computer Subsystem

Test each system above to ensure that each is operating correctly.  Part of this lab’s purpose is to make sure that you have a test for each subsystem. Make any necessary corrections to the subsystems before proceeding to the next step.

  1. Test the operation of the visual sensors, steering subsystem, and computer subsystem, using a white index card with a black 1-inch-wide stripe across the center of the card to ensure that the steering mechanism is following the video input to keep the wheels centered on the stripe. (See Figure 1.) Move the card slowly and observe the motion of the front wheels. Be aware that, if the light environment is too strong, the wheels will jerk very quickly. If the car moves too far from the center line, it may not recover. Try using a light that is less intense. If you can get the wheels to correct as you move the card slowly to the left and right, declare victory and proceed to the next step.
  2. Set the car on a block so that the wheels are not on the ground. Test the drive motor subsystem and computer subsystem to ensure that the motor runs smoothly. You may hear a high frequency due to the pulse frequency. Again, record your test results and correct any hardware or software problems before proceeding to the next step.
  3. (Optional) When the entire system has been assembled and tested, put the car on the test track. (See Appendix A of the “ECET365 Smart Car Contest Rules for one example of a test track, located in the Files section of the Course Menu.) Make sure that the car can go at least two laps around the track.


Note that each of the subsystems below also uses the computer subsystem to control operations or data. Be sure to include any tests that involve software as well as hardware.

  1. Visual Subsystem
    1. Test Method: (Briefly describe the test method used to verify the correct operation of the visual subsystem.)
    2. Test Results: (Record the measurements that indicate the visual subsystem is operating correctly.)
  2. Steering Subsystem
    1. Test Method: (Briefly describe the test method used to verify the correct operation of the steering subsystem.)
    2. Test Results: (Record the measurements that indicate the steering subsystem is operating correctly.)
  3. Visual sensor and steering operation interaction
    1. Test Method: (Briefly describe the test method used to verify that the visual sensor subsystem and the steering subsystem are working correctly together.)
    2. Test Results: (Record the measurements that indicate the video sensor and steering servo subsystems are working correctly together.
  4. Drive Motor Subsystem
    1. Test Method: (Briefly describe the test method used to verify that the drive motor subsystem is working correctly.)
    2. Test Results: (Record the measurements that indicate the drive motor subsystem is operating correctly).
  5. System Operation
    1. Test Method: (Briefly describe the test method used to verify that the system operates correctly when all the subsystems are operating.)
    2. Test Results: (Record the measurements that indicate the system is operating correctly.)

Additional Questions:

  1. Have your problems been mostly hardware or software? Explain your answer.
  2. How does your estimate of energy required to do two laps compare with your measurements?
  3. What is the pulse frequency of the drive motor control signal?
  4. (Optional) How many laps can the car perform?


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ECET 365 Week 7 Lab DeVry

Best ECET 365 Week 7 Lab DeVry
ECET 365 Week 7 Lab DeVry

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