DNP 810 Full Course Discussions GCU New



DNP 810 Full Course Discussions GCU New

DNP 810 Topic 1 DQ 1

Choose a news story, within last two years, about genetic or genomic technology. What is the issue presented? From the perspective of an RN or APRN, what are the ethical, cultural, religious, legal, fiscal, and societal implications of the issue? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 1 DQ 2

Identify a specific disease encountered in your clinical practice or personal life. Can your patient’s understanding of DNA/RNA replication, transcription, and translation affect the management of the disease? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 2 DQ 1

Identify a complex inheritance health issue you encountered in your clinical practice or personal life. How would you approach working with a patient of a complex inheritance health issue? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 2 DQ 2

Refer to the complex inheritance health issue identified in DQ 1. Given available genetic tests, which would you use to screen and diagnose this issue? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 3 DQ 1

A multi-generational family health history can facilitate your management of a patient’s disease. What model would you use to create a multi-generational family health history for a patient? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 3 DQ 2

Why is it important to have a comprehensive health and physical assessment that includes information on environment and genomic influences? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 4 DQ 1

In the past decade there have been many advances in genetics and genomics and their application to health screening, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. What recent advancement do you believe is the most significant for your clinical practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 4 DQ 2

Genetic/genomic factors are known to contribute to variability of pharmacologic responses in some patients. How does the variability of responses result in tailoring pharmacologic agents to the care of these patients? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 5 DQ 1

Health issues in a clinical setting can be influenced by nutrition. Identify a health issue that has been positively influenced by nutrition in your clinic. How does nutrition improve health? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 5 DQ 2

Choose one disorder of malnutrition that is found in your clinical setting or community. What are the genetic and environmental influences on this disorder, including prevalence rates, testing, treatment, and prognosis? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information into practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 6 DQ 1

What is the impact of the aging population on both increased health care expenditures and wasted resources? Do genetics play a role? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 6 DQ 2

Identify a method that uses evidence-based data to support new or innovative ways to care for the aging population. What are the anticipated outcomes of employing this method and methods like it? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 7 DQ 1

What is the impact of chronic disease on both increased health care expenditures and wasted resources? Do genetics play a role? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 7 DQ 2

Identify a method that uses evidence-based data to support new or innovative ways to care for patients with chronic disease. What are the anticipated outcomes of employing this method and methods like it? How can the doctoral-prepared nurse apply this information in practice? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 8 DQ 1

Choose a news story, within last two years, about genetic or genomic technology. What is the issue presented? From the perspective of an RN or APRN, what are the ethical, cultural, religious, legal, fiscal, and societal implications of the issue? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

DNP 810 Topic 8 DQ 2

There are several issues that undermine client rights to make genetic and genomic-related decisions and act. Identify two issues you have seen undermine these rights in your clinical setting. What are potential solutions for each? What is your role as the patient advocate with each issue? Explain. Support your rationale with a minimum of two scholarly sources.



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DNP 810 Full Course Discussions GCU New

Best DNP 810 Full Course Discussions GCU New
DNP 810 Full Course Discussions GCU New

ACCT 553 DeVryBIAM 500 DeVryCIS 500 STRCIS 558 STRENG 105 GCUFIN 390 DeVryFIN 504 GCUHCA 545 GCUHCA 699 GCUHLT 306 GCUHLT 362 GCUHLT 555 GCUHLT 610 GCUHLT 665 GCUHOSP 594 DeVryHRM 600 DeVryMAT 144 GCUMGMT 600MGT 599 STRMGT 655 GCUMKT 373 GCUPSY 362 GCUPSY 565 GCUPSY 575 GCUPSY 665 GCUSOC 102 GCUSOC 320 GCUSOC 372 GCUSOC 412 GCUNSG 6440 SUHIM 515 GCUNSG 4029 SUHIM 615 GCUNSG 3029 SUNSG 4055 SUNSG 6630 SUNSG 6005 SUCRMJ 310PSY 510 GCUCRMJ 300 DevryCRMJ 425SPD 200 GCU, HLT 490 GCU ,ECH 340 GCU , ECH 440 GCU , ECH 355 GCU ,ECH 350 GCU ,LDR 461 GCU ,ECH 425 GCU ,REL 212 STR ,SCI 115 STR ,CIS 505 STR ,JUS 652 GCUMGT 640 GCUCIS 527 STRSOC 436 GCU,ACC 502 GCUFIN 504 GCU , MATH 260 DeVry ,ETHC 445 DeVry ,ECET 220 DeVry , CARD 405 DeVryNETW 203 DeVryNETW 205 DeVryECET 365 DeVry ,MATH 270 DeVry ,PHYS 310 DeVry, BIB 106 GCU ,CIS 512 STR ,SYM 506 GCU ,ECN 601 GCU  ,BIAM 570 DeVryPSY 402 GCU , SOC 480 GCU , BIAM 530 DeVry,  DNP 810 GCU , DNP 820 GCU , DNP 825 GCU , ECN 450 GCU , DNP 830 GCU , LDR 804 GCU , MAT 105 GCU , ECS 501 GCUECS 555 GCU , TSL 552 GCU , ECS 560 GCU , NRS 493 GCU , ECS 570 GCU , BUS 352 GCU , MIS 660 GCU



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