CIS 502 Theories of Security Management Full Course Strayer



CIS 502 Theories of Security Management Full Course Strayer

CIS 502 All Weeks Discussions

CIS 502 Week 1 Discussion

“Access Control” Please respond to the following:

  • If you were going to design an access system that would control people getting into your favorite or most valued items, what things would you consider based on your readings from chapter 1? Make sure you address all the possible avenues of attack that could be exploited. Remember, security measures are designed to slow and draw attention to attackers. No system can completely prevent successful attack.

CIS 502 Week 2 Discussion

“OSI Model” Please respond to the following:

  • The OSI model has stood the test of time. It’s used to describe the functionality of various networking appliances and the logical protocols that interact on the physical media. Modeling is important because it provides a way for experts to talk about what’s happening in the abstract. Think about something you use every day that you could describe using a model. For example, a bicycle. What are the common parts shared by all the different kinds of bikes? How can you use the parts to describe the differences between the operation of one bike and another? Enjoy this discussion topic and apply what you are learning this week to your model.

CIS 502 Week 3 Discussion

“Security Planning” Please respond to the following:

  • As a manager, you’re going to be responsible for security planning. Humans are the weakest link in the armor of security. Security measures must be balanced with a businesses’ ability to function. Based on what you’ve learned so far this week, what factors will you consider when coming up with your security plan? How will they affect the balance between securing the systems, and allowing the business enough breathing room to function effectively? How will your plans affect the business?

CIS 502 Week 4 Discussion

“Data Warehousing” Please respond to the following:

  • Having live data accessible all the time for an indefinite period is expensive. This is why data warehousing is so important. This week, we’ve been looking at data warehouse planning. When you consider your plan for data warehousing, what do you think are two of the more key items to think about? Is there a recommendation to management that you have in mind already, just from your studies this week? See if you can pick up any important points from your classmates that you hadn’t considered and comment on their posts as well.

CIS 502 Week 5 Discussion

“Mitigating Attacks” Please respond to the following:

  • We’ve been talking about the various forms of attacks that malicious hackers can use to compromise security this week. Do a search on the Internet for an article about a recent (Within the past 4-6 months) attack. What method did the hackers use? Was it a sophisticated attack, or more amateur in nature? Now that you’re learning about attacks and how to mitigate them, what recommendations would you have to your leadership at your company if this attack had happened on your watch? What steps would you take to protect your data personally?

CIS 502 Week 6 Discussion

“Key Management” Please respond to the following:

Key management is a concept that often causes people anxiety when it comes to test preparation. After reviewing the material this week, describe briefly what digital keys are to you and how you think about them when you are doing your exercises. This may help some of your classmates. Read and comment on your classmates’ posts as well, and see if any of their analogies help you to master this concept.

CIS 502 Week 7 Discussion

“Ensuring Current Defenses” Please respond to the following:

  • Making sure your defenses are current is a major function of the IT professional team at any company. This week’s studies offer lots of suggestions on how to manage this. What concepts and topics do you think are most important, and how do you see yourself and your team implementing such suggestions when you get on the job?

CIS 502 Week 8 Discussion

“Dealing with Breaches” Please respond to the following:

  • Once a breach has occurred, it’s very important to know about it. Not only does a company need to know that it occurred, but it also needs to know the scope of the damage. Was data stolen? Were files damaged? Was a back door installed that will facilitate future breaches? This is the forensic part of information security. Describe one of the topics from this week that you think would make a good episode of a crime drama like CSI. How would the main character go about solving the crime and identifying the perpetrator using the tools you’ve learned about? Have fun throwing in plot twists on your classmates’ posts.

CIS 502 Week 9 Discussion

“Disaster Recovery” Please respond to the following:

  • Disaster recovery has been the topic of study this week. What do you think is the most difficult and expensive disaster to plan for? Do you think companies plan adequately? In your experience (or research if you have no experience) what aspect is most lacking in corporate planning? Why do you think this is?
  • Additionally, this week, we are going to start thinking about the CISSP Certification. This is a very important certification for managers in the IT field. Managers need to understand the gravity of securing data and data systems. Strayer University, the faculty and staff, want all our students to be successful in the IT field. While we don’t require students to get certifications, we strongly encourage them to do so as the likelihood of finding and being qualified for that dream job is increased with certification as well as education (your degree). Start thinking about where and when you’re going to sit for your certification exam. You know more than you may think, and you are encouraged to sit for your exam as soon as you’re ready. How will you know that you’re ready? Discuss it with your instructor and your classmates.

CIS 502 Week 10 Discussion

“The CISSP Certification Exam” Please respond to the following:

  • Last week, you were asked to consider the CISSP certification exam. Describe the efforts you’ve made to secure a time, date, and location for the exam. Do you feel ready? Why or why not? Even if you don’t take the exam, you’ve learned so much valuable information. Talk about a few of the items you’ve learned and how having this knowledge will help you in your management position in IT once you get your master’s degree and get on the job. Why is it important to know about security if you’re going to manage program developers for example?

CIS 502 Week 11 Discussion

“Course Summary”  Please respond to the following:

  • Using 140 characters or less (the length of a Tweet), summarize the importance of this class to someone unfamiliar with the concepts.
  • Discuss how you can apply the learning outcomes of this course to your professional and personal life.

CIS 502 All Weeks uCertify Weekly Assessment

CIS 502 Week 1 uCertify Weekly Assessment 1

CIS 502 Week 2 uCertify Weekly Assessment 2

CIS 502 Week 3 uCertify Weekly Assessment 3

CIS 502 Week 4 uCertify Weekly Assessment 4

CIS 502 Week 5 uCertify Weekly Assessment 5

CIS 502 Week 6 uCertify Weekly Assessment 6

CIS 502 Week 7 uCertify Weekly Assessment 7

CIS 502 Week 8 uCertify Weekly Assessment 8

CIS 502 Week 9 uCertify Weekly Assessment 9

CIS 502 Week 10 uCertify Weekly Assessment 10

CIS 502 Week 11 uCertify Weekly Assessment 11


CIS 502 All Weeks Assignments Strayer

Click the link above to submit your assignment.

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.

Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Case Study: National Infrastructure Protection Plan

Phase 1 due in Week 3

Phase 2 due in Week 5

Phase 3 due in Week 7

Phase 4 due in Week 9

On your first day as an Information Systems Security director, you met with the Chief Information Officer. During the meeting, he revealed to you his deep concerns about the Infrastructure Protection Plan. He asked you to read the Department of Homeland Security. (2009). National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Retrieved from carefully and focus more on chapter 6: Ensuring an Effective, Efficient Program Over the Long Term.

Since he realizes that you are new to this position he asked you to deliver the final plan, memo and budget in 7 weeks (week 8) but he setup 3 checkpoints for you to deliver parts of the plan to ensure consistent progress of the deliverables before the big presentation in week 8.

Phase 1: Memo – due in week 3

In this phase, you need to create 3-5 page professional memo about your assessment of what needs to be done to meet the standards based on the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. You need to make sure that the language in the memo is clear of free of errors. You also need to be creative in presenting this information to capture the most important points from the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. You need to demonstrate critical thinking to prioritize the action items based on your findings.

Click here to view the grading rubric.

CIS 502 Week 5 Case Study Phase 2

Phase 2: Communication plan – due in week 5

In this phase, you need to communicate with your troops about the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, through your information in the memo. The communication plan should involve a diagram showing the flow of information, the timing of the communication as well as the media of the communication. You also need to submit drafts of any communication pieces of your communication plan.

CIS 502 Week 7 Case Study Phase 3

Phase 3: Budget forecasts – due in week 7

In phase 3, you need to create a Spreadsheet to capture the financial components involved in the plan. Please be sure to cover all the items you included in your memo and in your communication. Also, this is the time to amend your memo based on the budget if you need to do so.

CIS 502 Week 9 Case Study Phase 4

Phase 4: Final presentation – due in week 9

The fourth and final phase is to create a professional presentation of no more than 10 slides to serve as an executive overview detailing all the aspects of the plan. Remember that your presentation is the first item the team will look at, so try to capture all the ideas in a concise way to make the team eager to read the memo, the budget and consider your plan.


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CIS 502 Theories of Security Management Full Course Strayer

Perfect CIS 502 Theories of Security Management Full Course Strayer
CIS 502 Theories of Security Management Full Course Strayer

ACCT 553 DeVry, BIAM 500 DeVry, CIS 500 STR, CIS 558 STR, ENG 105 GCU, FIN 390 DeVry, FIN 504 GCU, HCA 545 GCU, HCA 699 GCU, HLT 306 GCU, HLT 362 GCU, HLT 555 GCU, HLT 610 GCU, HLT 665 GCU, HOSP 594 DeVry, HRM 600 DeVry, MAT 144 GCU, MGMT 600, MGT 599 STR, MGT 655 GCU, MKT 373 GCU, PSY 362 GCU, PSY 565 GCU, PSY 575 GCU, PSY 665 GCU, SOC 102 GCU, SOC 320 GCU, SOC 372 GCU, SOC 412 GCU, PSY 693 GCU, JUS 325 GCU, DNP 801 GCU, PSY 115 STR, ENG 115 STR, CIS 502 STR


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