CIS 273 Lab Assignment 5 Navigation Bars and Repeated Images



CIS 273 Lab Assignment 5 Navigation Bars and Repeated Images


Deliverable: Four (4) Web pages (the home page and three image pages) and four (4) Cascading Style Sheets (.css) (one for each page).

Follow the directions below to complete Lab Assignment 5:

  1. Create a home page with navigation bar to the three (3) pages with images listed below and a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) for bisque color and Arial text.
  2. Create a “single image” page with a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) for background image, bisque color, and Arial text.
  3. Create a “top line image” page with Cascading Style Sheet (.css) for background image, bisque color, and Arial text.
  4. Create a “left side image” page with a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) for background image, bisque color, and centered Arial text.


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