CIS 273 Lab Assignment 4 Nested Lists and Cascading Style Sheets



CIS 273 Lab Assignment 4 Nested Lists and Cascading Style Sheets

Deliverable: Three (3) Web pages and two (2) Cascading Style Sheets (.css)

Follow the directions below to complete Lab Assignment 4:

  1. Re-create the sample Web pages listed below with nested ordered lists and nested unordered lists. (This Web page will be reused for each part below). (As shown in Figure 1.)
  2. Create the Web page from number 1 with silver background color set by a Cascading Style Sheet (.css). (As shown in Figure 2.)
  3. Create the Web page from number 1 with silver background color and Comic Sans MS font set by a Cascading Style Sheet (.css). (As shown in Figure 3.)
  4. Re-create the Web page set from number 1 with Silver background color and Comic Sans MS font set by a Cascading Style Sheet (.css). Then, using in-page tags to override the CSS, set only the font of the sentence “Here is an Unordered list with several levels of sub-lists” to red, Arial font (different than the rest of the page). (As shown in Figure 4.)


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